Bro honestly nothing looks wrong with YOUR GIRLs...BOUT that time to strat yellowing anyway It is NATURAL coarse to wellow and fall OFF DIE because its using all its N to give to producing BUDS thats why this time around they LOOK like there in need of help when in actuality THERE OKAY...
i see you have water droplets while your light is on???? If your spraying or misti9ng them, stop and either wait till the light turn off to do so or couple hours before lights turn on.......This is if your using HID systems kinda like USING MAgnifying glass and your COOKIN ya ladie WITH THE...
yeah moon and stars dont have enough lumen to let OFF enough for plants 2 STRTESS and turn HERMIE..kinda make sense???? SUN extracts way more light THEN MOON
damn you can tell i super cropped just by lookin?? NICE>> thanks been doing some major Supercropping on these girls bout 3 4 months vegging give or take got bsome clones rooting right now See that flood drain system in the PIC Earlier.....gonna throw some in there>>>....hey can u answer my...
okay so i got 6 females 2 black jack and 4 bag seed fr some very good Dro through out The much you guys think from experience i would yield started flowering bout 5 days ago, Can i make a clone from my Black jack become a Mother:-?
bump....., need my questions answered please more FEEDBACK and more PICS of ya LADIES , +REp me if ya think my Gro GOOD...
Close call for + Reps Jats need more PIcs So hold up .....
well i do keep studying and am thinking bout doing SOG ebb flow system SOON...have lots Of Books on Growin and Read Growers Bible three times By George Cervantes.....just trying to get the hang of this Groin First Harvest got clones going right now Hey can i Get a Mother Fr. a Clone...
using 400 watt Sunleaf M/h for Veg..400Watt HPS now for flowering added 150 Extra Hps SO 550 HPS....dat OK like i said my first attempt and Its True Hydro aeroponic actually..what yall think??? Lets see Your Bitches!!!!!!!!!!am i on thie Right track???
okay so here i am with some relativly decent girls two Black Jack 1 Indica strain and 3 Sativia dat i got from sum Ganja..
da 2 Fr, Nirvana s seed bank are Fem..
all thers were "weeded" out No pun intended... so all are female and been Super cropped ALOT.thes girls were induced to flower bout 5...
CLONE is able to be A MOTHER ???????????? Y ..........N............. should i take more clones of her now GOT a cloner maker for 11 PLANTS enough to do a SOG??????
most def bro just add to your REG changing of nutes everything goes the same all RULES apply make sure your PH is okay after ADDING mollasses K. dont think ya gatta worry though since your in SOIL..... so just ADD to ya ROUTING NOW k........