please need help????got 2 15 gallon rubbermaid tubs stacked on top of each other and am new to using EBB FLOW sytems , got one DWC top drip sytem, one six plant aero sytem and now wanna try a flood and drain, wanna know if you have to use rockwool or can you use groaton rocks cause thats what i...
got two 15 gallon rubbermaid tubs on stacked on top of other????do i have to use rock wool or can i just use groaton rock and if so how and what do i do ALSO how many times should i flood the sytem and for how long need some help from my
RIU brothers and sistas.......
fuck you dont ask for help if ya not gonna take others thoughts into conbsigeration just telling you from experience seen it done never agreed with it IMOUT ....
DONT SMOKE!!!!!!!!!more than likely sprayed with windex or some type of cleaning solution give it sticky feel to it add weight but gives you HEADACHE if smoked .....DONT bro...U like PLEASE +REP:cry::joint:
thats what i did last night.... the fuckin GIRLS look bad ass they are just reaching for the HPS light. smaller ones are starting to really shoot UP>>>took a total of 10 clones of the girls "I HOPE" smaller BLACKJACK has not showed pistils yet and took tw0 of the cuttings from it...
only been in flowering 1 .5 weeks wandt to to dat because the male was one of the big ones and the two smaller ones i want to grow bigger those are black jack!!!!!!!!!!!!!want to mayby clone if i can make a mother outta a clone???very beatiful girl she has beautiful pistils shes gonna be bad...
i recently put my girls into flowering and saw i had a male now i want to take my smaller girls and revert back to veg???possible or what should i do????please some feed back people please:-?:-?
im back.bump.............switched to flowering bout week ago and i found out i had a male in the bi=unch.ouch! so i got two smaLL;ER ONES THAT have showed female characteristics......want to put back into veg or clone what yall think???can they be SAVED!!!!:-?:-?
thanks im using FLORAGRO< BLOOM,,BIG BLOOM<< this is my first gro AS WELL>>>>in H2Okinda picked all slow growth and trimmed to my liking bout 3,4 months in veg except two smALLER ones.....1.5 months had to induce can you believe the 3 big ones use to be in soil now what ya think bout my first...
all i grow is fem seeds from nirvana mostly black jack and i spray when light s are off look what they are looking like!!!!!!!!just kicked int flowering and they are already pushing the pistils out.,..
SPIDER MITES mayby????? Turn em off for an 1/2 to whole hour every other day just to feed HER FOLIAR ya know helps out alot and gets water where teh stalk sometimes wont so ADVISE do SPRAY her........just not with the LIGHT ON>>>.u LIKE +REP please.TY
SPIDER MITES mayby????? Turn em off for an 1/2 to whole hour every other day just to feed HER FOLIAR ya know helps out alot and gets water where teh stalk sometimes wont so ADVISE do SPRAY her........just not with the LIGHT ON>>>.u LIKE +REP please.TY