i rppt in four days CRAZY no the truth ...was a lil tripped out being i made it my self.heres some pics put 1/4 strenght flora nova , 1/2 teaspoon cutting accelerator in water thats going through pump to spray cutting ends dipp in olivias cloning gel and foliar spray every day most POP at 4 but...
bump.....come on guys just need to SEE some PICS so i can see wat im working wit.........all views no POST seriously guys feel like every one on this sites just looks and dont help ME just the way i feel ........BUD PORN>? lets see EM
alright lets see these girls guys just want some more imput and guesses on yield.....drop some pics of any 400 WATT gro so i can see what i got to look forward to.....thanks +REP fo bud porn.........drop da panties on ya ladies............
sure check em out 2.5 weeks into flowering black jack ,green crack ,juicy fruit.here bud PORN hope ya like em are they good for that age?????first hydroponic gro....what you think????????
come on guys lets see ya girls+REP for ladies.....GOTTA be som e 400 watt grows come on lil feed back guys ,would appreciate it any tips for ya riu brother?????are they good size pistil for 2.5 wekks of flowering????????
told ya in thread buddy..400 wat veg room 400 watt flowering room.is that enough hope so wanna get bigger light soon but will this do????honestly anybody with 400n w att grow would love to see. these2 big ones use to be in soil..check it out
heres some clones i took of da girls and got going on ebb flow 13 lil ones ,is a 400 watt enough for these using 400 m/h for vegg and got three flowering under serprate 400hps... any body get GOOD yields from a 400 WATT would love 2 see pics from 400 grows..t/y RIU brothers and sistas
okay so my 1st time growing Hydroponicaly what ya think.... what yoy guys think a something like this would YIELD just a guess please... drop down your advise +REP for imput and BUD PORN of ya girls!!!!
just wondering got a aeroponic system and habve been using mollasses in it noticed some foam on top of water am i not suppose to use in those kinds of setups..