My friend and I used to fuck the chemistry teacher at our high school. It started when I was 16 and he was 18 and she was 28. We'd smoke bud and drink with her all the time. When he went to college, she and I would drive up together, drink vodka on the way up, party all night, then get nasty. It...
bwaaaahaaaa......I hope you're kidding, really hope you kidding.
There are a million threads on the same subject, but I suppose one more response won't hurt.
In a crock pot, put in 4 sticks of salted butter, then pour in water so it's a couple of inches above the butter sticks. Put in 1-2...
Nothing like respecting the boundries that are given to you by the person who raised you and is allowing you to live in their home when you're an adult. What an ingrate.
I really think you should not have her try medibles yet. A lot of people are forever turned off to cannabis because of eating it, it's just too strong and it lasts forever and ever. I would go buy her a full size dugout and onehitter, and have her take a puff and wait for a while. The last thing...
Anyone notice how much more stock of mason jars that the big stores have been carrying in the last year? It used to be that you had to buy all your jars at this time of year since gardeners are starting to can their produce, now Meijers and Walmart and whatnot are carrying big stocks of them...
Hopefully this means that more responsible, trained men and women will be carrying sidearms in the public setting.
It's kind of silly that the writer of the article goes out of their way to highlight the fact that the ammunition is hollow point. All ammo that is intended for self defense in...
Remember that having a card means nothing when it comes to employment. They can and will discriminate against you if they find out you have a card, which I can't imagine how they can do unless there is a bigger conspiricy of access to the list. Also you will be subject to random tests by the...
Glad how much did all of those soil components cost, and how many plants would you be able to grow out with it? My curiosity of organic gardening vs hydro is growing.
Sweet idea about a cement mixer for putting it together. I wonder if there is a way you could blast it with propane heat as it...
Damn France, kinda sounding like a strung out meth addict who's been up for a week. Get some sleep man. Two very strange threads on the board from you right now.
Or has Fin hacked your account :fire:
There is nothing better than harvesting your own food and truely enjoying it. Good stuff. I need to get a coastal place so I can enjoy shellfish and ocean fish more. They don't even bother shipping stuff like mud bugs up to Michigan, not that I've seen anyway.