Mental illness tends to show itself between the ages of 18-22, sadly it runs in my wifes family. This tends to be the time when most experimenting with drugs starts too, so the question remains is it coinsidence or a cause?
Yes, I mean it. I honestly answered a question...that ok with you? I'm glad your very driven, and I hope your a great success. I spent my time and energy getting high and selling drugs. I have an addictive personality, and it didn't mesh well with being successful for me. Most stoners I know are...
I truely belive that starting smoking heavily at 14 all the way till now caused me to give up on education and finishing college. It was a shock I finished high school with an ok grade point average. I was too lazy to do homework and it followed me to college and more of the same. I wish I...
Hate to tell you this, but even the owners of the dispensaries will confide in people they know that the labs are inflating the results to get more business. Cannalytics is the worst. Their results are plain silly.
People are getting braver and braver. I found out about 2 big warehouse grows in Ann Arbor, just by picking up on things on the outside of the buidings that didn't make sense. Like brand new blinds in windows, manicured flower beds, and no business sign on the building or anything that would say...
Some won't tell their age for the same reason they get plastic surgery....insecurity. My wife is 5 yrs older than me, she's 40, and has no problem telling anyone her age....because she is sexy and confident and doesn't feel inferior to younger girls.
I should probably stop threatening her that...
What temp are you making the water for the bath? I've been having a hard time getting good bho lately. I'm really struggling to get it looking like the stuff posted up here.
Some of the nicest herb I've smoked. What a treat! One of the dispenseries I go to has it once in a while, it doesn't last long. Guy grows the hell out of it. Yum.
Because it's illegal to do. The card is meaningless to procure seeds or clones from anywhere out of State and out of the Country. Feds will probably just take them and send you a letter telling you to come to their office to talk about it if you wish to. But they can go after you on a Federal...
Squirt some superglue into the keyhole. Tell him you just wanted to make sure no one fucks with his box anymore.
Sounds like he needs to lay off whatever he's keeping in there.