Well-Known Member
I just shot some headband nugs and the oil came out really clear. I'll take some pics later.
ah found it. was looking for your post. you know nothing about purging with your statements. do some research.You can make amber glass that has basically no butane but most people prefer the inferior product called 'honeycomb'. Amber glass is so much easier to get on the dabber than trying to smash budder on the end but that's just my preference.
Just because vacuum purging doesn't technically use 'heat' doesn't mean you can't lose flavor and potency by over vaccing. Instead of giving them a pressure to pull at, you just said 20 minutes which isn't very accurate.
IMO the op's oil looked like it had a good amount of butane still in it. I know people will suggest homemade vacuum chambers but I wouldn't skimp on anything. I've heard of people using glass jars that have imploded on them. For what it matters you can make 'clean' oil without a vacuum chamber, the only thing is you have to adjust your temperature if you always want a nice gold colored amber glass. As for 'honeycomb' I've made honeycomb not using a vacuum chamber. Personally I think people over use the vacuum purge as one dispensary markets their stuff "3x vacuum purged". There's no doubt in my mind vacuum purging 3 times reduces the flavor and potency.
What temp are you making the water for the bath? I've been having a hard time getting good bho lately. I'm really struggling to get it looking like the stuff posted up here.I don't think I saw this mentioned but what helps a ton is to pre heat the pyrix dish in a water bath right before running the tane. As the tane/goods hit the dish it is quickly evaporating the tane which then makes the perge less work in my books!
I didn't think I was an ass to you, if you notice I gave you a like a few post later. You made a statement and I guess I asked you to show your work to help me understand what you were saying. Just looking to learn. Isn't there a direct relation with loss of THC and loss of potency? I wasn't inferring that the vac purge cleared things 100%. Do you go as far as using a transfer solvent to seperate and freeze the waxes from your oil or mind sharing your method at all?I never said you lose THCYou lose potency by butane evaporating and moisture is pulled into your product which forms wax. Oil should be clear. I wasn't an ass to you, no need to be an ass back...
Yeah thx for not being a dick.The fact that you think you get all the butane out by vac purging shows how little you know, so before insulting others you could stand doing some research yourself.
Lol. Sorry I didn't use quotes.. I was referring to when The Growery said I knew nothing about purging.
I apologize. Oil is transparent and the fact that it 'budders or waxes up' shows that there is moisture in it which I've found to be less potent. Sorry I speak like it's a fact but I'm tired of hearing budder is better than amber glass.
Props to you sir! Nice looking batch of oil you got there.Here it is. The rocks of amber is the first wash and the amber honey is the second wash. They are both stable at room temp and smells great like the plant and drying buds did. The b wash is tasty as hell and potent! The a wash stuff is almost too potent and knocks me the fuck out. Lol
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Here it is. The rocks of amber is the first wash and the amber honey is the second wash. They are both stable at room temp and smells great like the plant and drying buds did. The b wash is tasty as hell and potent! The a wash stuff is almost too potent and knocks me the fuck out. Lol
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I tried this the first time and it still turned to amber glass. I don't know if it was tje strain or what but I couldn't get it to wax up.I have made both wax and oil and found my wax to be much more potent. I used the same method to extract with the same nugs. Used 5x refined butane and a glass extractor. The only difference was that I whipped the oil after it stopped bubbling for about 20-30 min. which turned it into wax. When you whip it more butane is released because you do this while you are still purging with warm water on a hot plate. The oil was amber and very good but the wax was a golden wheat color and Had an awesome taste and aroma.