Your BHO looks like my first attempts. you want to get that stuff lighter, more of a golden color, the darker the green, the more plant material is in your BHO.
Purging is the most important step. yes warm water bath works but takes a long long time and still won't get out all the butane.
Checkout or google for a home made DIY vacuum chamber, they can be made for about $20. With a vac setup you can create honeycomb with your BHO, which is much easier to handle (when done correctly, it crumbles in your hand instead of being super sticky like your shatter BHO)
Vac purge gets all the butane out in 20 mins. Much much cleaner taste.
If you haven't already, consider getting a stain less steel tube to do your extractions, or a glass tube. if you use pvc it is adding plasticizers to your bho. even honeybee extractor release small amounts of plasticizer after several uses.
Have fun, get a dabber nail or Ti swing!