I went to the one in Edmonton and it was fine. The whole thing is strange since the majority of the time you spend speaking to someone who isn't a doctor. I didn't really care about that but I can imagine someone who hasn't used cannabis could use a bit more medical explanation of what the...
They think it'll be more accessible to teenagers but teenagers already have access to it. I remember there was always someone you could ask to get you some or get in contact with. Most of the potheads I knew were honor roll students, the burnouts were burnouts regardless if they smoked pot or...
i think there's a lot of room for craft growers and even if you're local with some delivery options, you could get a nice little enterprise going especially if you're talented and grow good quality. I've seen too many would be corporate types claim that spending anything less than a million is a...
Question: Why would it matter? LPs can't sell to the US market in which their own entrepreneurs are way ahead of the majority of LPs in terms of product & price. I know stocks respond to news stories like this in many industries but I don't see how their internal crackdown would make a...
That sucks. I was hoping they'd become sensible since most states have some medical form of it and to crack down when more people are in support of it than ever seems very anti-populist. Seems like a dumb move that will only hurt them.
hmm it seems the thread has derailed but back to the subject at hand, I would wager it to be very difficult because as a plant it would go through additional inspection at the border. I think even if you have documentation that it's going to be difficult so ideally the package would be labeled...
thats because despite increasing fines, punishment and all kinds of public awareness campaigns, there aren't less people drinking. Its almost like the government is totally clueless as to who lives in Alberta. They're effectively throwing their hands up.
i got a couple, I have one of those silver zig zag devices and it works ok but the Raw hand roller & zig zag roller in the 70mm & 110mm sizes are the easiest to roll joints in seconds. I have the absolute worst dexterity and couldn't roll a joint to save my life.
Those are some cool builds. I'd love to build a greenhouse style kind of grow where I could grow for personal amounts year round and have other plants for food. Not enough land for now. :lol:
I'm in the thousands saved. Maybe one day the price will get below $1 a gram but until then it'll be cheaper to grow your own. I still get samples from craft growers but thats mostly to see what's new and what can be potentially added to the rotation.
my family doctor and a few others I went to see wouldn't consider it, had to go to a special clinic which is annoying enough as it is because of the long wait times and LP pushing that goes on.
Strain hunters was never "for the cause", they've always been money driven entities that happened to have a few good people working for them like Franco Loja (RIP). You know theres a huge market for seeds and having the ability to produce them without interference would be so beneficial for home...
They could compromise and allow craft growers more opportunity to do what they've been doing for years. I doubt I'll ever go to either a private or govt store if all their supply only comes from LPs anyways. It sucks that as usual our consumer options are limited because of government...
Good to know about home hardware, I tend to forget about them since they closed down many of their stores in my city years ago and now they only exist in smaller towns surrounding the big city. What rate does it say to mix that particular brand?
Well I finally got my papers in this week. Applied May 1st and arrived October 3rd. So 5 months of waiting meanwhile I've already done 2 full crops. Health Canada should be ashamed.
fair enough, I meant it from the point of view of someone having that knowledge to impart on those wanting to learn and not some high and mighty individual. Personally I'm still new to it and know I would benefit greatly from working with or learning from someone with experience. That's how I...
NHS only does that so that they can get royalties or bonuses for sending people LPs way. I ordered once from broken coast just to have the container while I wait for my grow papers to come in. Its already saved my ass once from an ornery cop. If more doctors jumped on board then a place like NHS...