I completely agreeI'm sure there are many studies that also show alcohol is not real good for the developing brain or for concentration in school. That's why we have a minimum age for consumption. It's an adult product, just like cannabis, why are they talking about kids? I had absolutely no problem getting alcohol and cannabis when I was in school 35+ years ago and I'm sure it'll be no different after legalization. Caffeine, energy drinks and smart phones effect concentration in school too. Let's ban those to save the poor kids too. Fucking idiots.
As for the psychosis....someone please show me a verified instance of psychosis CAUSED by cannabis. I've seen a shitload of people permanently fucked from alcohol and prescription drugs though.
Given it was authentic, positive research and not some bullshit studies that require tons of money to tell us what we already know. How about a real effort to study cannabis as an opiate replacement?I would be in support of a portion of the tax collected for the first 5 years be allocated toward research