Getting rid of staff won't change his past actions. He either lied on SEC forms or to the Mass elections commission.
He profited from screwing American workers, watch; this is just the beginning.
Between his business practices at Bain, his lies and his sheltering $ overseas to avoid taxes he's...
He either lied to the SEC, the Mass. elections board or to us all.
His statements to the SEC and to the Mass election board directly contradict each other. There is a reason after vetting that McCain didn't pick him as VP candidate. People are already noticing the skeletons in the closet...
Kinda sounds like were singing the same song.
Hybrid X Hybrid= unstabilized and many phenos
My gripe is that the idea of these seeds being polyhybrids is clear. I think people expecting uniformity from the is unreasonable. The herm problem some are having is something I personally haven't...
I'm a caregiver, I have PE in my garden as does a friend that's also a caregiver. PE is very popular with both our patients.
Both of us selected very similar phenos as our keepers.
Tastes and smells like lemon/pineapple/skunk. Gets pretty good trich coverage. Stems are real thin, have to stake...
So I've been keeping up on the thread since I posted earlier. Made me go double check my garden for hermies.
Happy to report no nanas on any of the 4 TGA keepers or their offspring in my grow.
As usual shit gets blown out of proportion around here. I remember tooling on someone here last year...
You can't control the release of CO2 with that system. Its gonna be wasting CO2 by releasing constantly even during lights off. Looks like a waste of $ and time.
If your grow isn't sealed and dialed in you're not gonna really benefit from it. Spend that $ on a good fan and pump in tons of...
Yes, it really boils down to expectations and the individual grower. I'm a caregiver, I have room and time for the hunt so I took on a winter project.
I just ran 3 TGA strains over the winter. Now going into it I knew I was gonna have to pheno hunt . I expected variation w/ Querkle and...
Or like dealing with an insurance company here in the US. I had Aetna try to deny my claim because I went to an ER without calling my PCP first. I had a compound fracture and I was supposed to wait for a call back at 7:30 PM? Assholes.
The whole idea of needing insurance for medical care is a...
I think that comparing seed companies can somewhat difficult. I mean I have different expectations from different companies/different breeding practices.
I just grew out 3 strains from TGA for instance. Querkle, Apollo 13 BX and Plushberry. Each did as I expected going into growing them out...
Nice try. I just sold a business and started a new venture. I'd be willing to bet I contribute more to our economy than you do.
I've been self employed for quite some time. Imagine that, you dont have to he a full of shit conservative windbag to do well in our country.
Oh, so quality doctors are gonna jump ship?
Hmm, that didn't happen in Mass, in fact Boston
is still the hub of modern medicine in our country.
Yeah! Fail!
Prices for hamburgers are no higher in Mass. than anywhere else.
Funny, for all the "damage on job creators" the Mass restaraunt industry is still in tact and doing well.
Sorry but youre theory has already been proven wrong in Mass. The sky isnt falling there because of Romneycare
Pretending that it hasnt already been proven to both work and be popular with people is ignoring fact.
The people of Mass. have the highest rate of insured people in the country. They also favor the program at a rate of around 3/1. It isnt perfect but its better than we have or anything at...
"Liberal Bullshit" = a health insurance thats already been proven effective at the state level
"Right wing bullshit" = 10 years of needless war, countless anti abortion bills, voter supression, failed trickle down economics
Ill take that "liberal bullshit" any day over the path the other...
Why not take the word of the good people of Mass. about the program?
Highest level of insured people in the country. They like the program at a ratio of 3/1.
Might not be perfect, but its a hell of a lot better than the mess we have now
Nothing to do with "liberal," more like being taught at a young age to differentiate between fact and opinion.
It's called looking at things objectively,you should give it a shot.
FFS, if any of you guys paid attention to actual news over the past 3 fucking years you'd already know that Buck is telling the facts.
Stop getting your "news and info" from jackass pundits on Fox. You guys realize the difference between opinion and news?
Typical Fox viewer lack of information...