Upset at the idiot talking shit about my country, especially since he left here.
Lol I wouldn't take 1 ounce of shit from ANY limey fuck. Couldn't stand you homos when I was in the service. I also find it funny when some rotted tooth limey fuck talks tough and puts down the US
We kicked your...
I would love to see a stick figured Euro fag soccer playet line up against an NFL defensive end.
Wanna know the difference? The football player playing soccer will he gassed for sure. The soccer playing football will be unconscious within 3 snaps of the ball.
Europe and soccer seem perfect for...
It would be nice if the world was a peaceful place full of caring wonderful people, lollipop trees and chocolate milk rivers.
Guess what hippie idealists, it isn't. There are mean people that do want to cause harm to others. You can cling to some unrealistic hope for world peace. Hasn't been...
Tough talk on the Internet, prove your point and actually do what you say. Such violent talk from a peace lover such as yourself. Remember kid Veterans fought and died for you to have the right to free speech, no matter how misguided or ridiculous as it is
Go down to your local Marine Corps...
I don't think he blew it at all.
This election will be a referendum alright. A referendum to keep progressing as a nation and as an economy, or go back to the same boneheaded ideas and policies that got us into the mess. Voting Romney is just a rewind back to the foreign policies of W and the...
Yes, this economic recovery sucks!
Lets return to the very policies that got us into the mess to begin with.
When we speak of 4 more years it seems that Romney is the biggest threat. His foreign policy advisors are the same people that were responsible for the policies that W went with. That 4...
Memorial day is for remembering and honoring those that made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.
Veterans day is to honor all Veterans, those that served in combat or not
You have the freedom to not have a though of your own, copy and paste a bullshit article.
You have the freedom to express yourself through the words of another man.
Like it or not us Veterans are the reason you enjoy those rights. Do your dental health a favor and keep your whiny attitude...
Lol what a bunch of stoners we all are. We started with "assassination czar" and drifted to our imaginary occupation of Iran, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq to Nazi German history.
Kinda funny when you read through a thread and you're not medicated.
Sorry for your loss. Been in your shoes far too many times. First person I lost to the needle was my best friends older brother when I was 10. Lost my best friend in 89 the year after we graduated HS.
I've lost many friends and acquaintances since, many in the grave; sad to say more that it's...
I don't understand all the outrage. You guys think we haven't been using covert ops to assassinate our enemies and threats for decades?
Makes no matter to me if it comes from a missile, a drone or a sniper. I honestly am glad were taking it to them. If we had been attacked over the last few...
You are aware that Obama didn't invade Iraq or Afghanistan right?
You're also aware that the drone program wasn't started by Obama right?
You act as if these things are some new or haven't been going in for years BEFORE Obama, if you're bitching now and weren't YEARS ago it implies either...
Too cold and rainy for pics today
We have a run attachd to the coop and also a movable run for them. I wasn't too excited when the wife first got them, but I'm happy we got em. Had a real problem with grubs, because of the movable pen they are slowly eliminating the grub population a few square...
We just started keeping chickens, we have 2 RI Reds, 2 Plymouth Barred, 2 Blue D'Uccle Bantoms and an Easter Egger. Surprised our dog actually herds them when we let them free range. Funny as hell watching a Pit Bull protect his little chikens