More insults, your just as good at this as BB.
No, it was a question, by someone who came off as an atheist i might add.
Once again, wrong. Go back and read the thread PLEASE. I don't know why i have to say it so many goddamn times. HE started with the insults. Get with the program.
Seriously dude, you need to get over yourself. I have not gotten emotional, ive gotten bored with BB. Have i cussed at him? Sure, but at that point it was LONG after HE threw out insults. Read the fucking thread man, he is ALWAYS the one to start with insults. same goes for the other thread he...
I watched those specials.
The stories were too fantastical? But Noahs Ark wasnt? Adam and Eve, a talking serpent. These things all made sense to them, but not THOSE books. But that STILL isnt the point. The point is they chose what fit their agenda, and discarded what didnt, and he STILL uses it...
Notice hes rather busy in that other thread trashing me while still dodging so many questions. He sure grows some balls when he thinks im gone.
Do i need to repost them BB? Or were they not clear enough?
Answers please. I shouldnt have to explain to you how in a cemetary of thousands of people, far less than 1% of them would have become 'fossils' in any manner. And thats WITH embalming fluid!
Or are you also not bright enough to understand what an embalming fluid is and what it does.
How is it dodging if you didnt ask anything?
But guess what, i WILL keep asking.
1. Why were several books, (including several from the DSS) banned from the bible because they didnt fit?
2. Why do you think that fossils are so readily available that thousands and thousands of samples for each...
A fossil normally preserves only a portion of the deceased organism, usually that portion that was partially mineralized during life, such as the bones and teeth of vertebrates, or the chitinous or calcareous exoskeletons of invertebrates. Preservation of soft tissues is rare in the fossil...
I have left the other thread permanently sir, and i intent to keep it that way. This one is at least still slightly about the original topic.
You keep losing, Brother man! LOL LOL
Trying to get him to understand this would be like trying to teach a dog math. Remember, he understands fact as being the impossible (chance). Evolution will never be about what we have found to him, it will always be about what we are still (and in his eyes, always will be) missing.
All insults and fallacies, no valid argument at all. You are quite possibly the worst religious debater i have ever met BB. Better take an extra class at sunday school this weekend.
Actually its what they call 'peer edited' and has moderators. Now please, point out one place in your book, where someone can find something that is factually incorrect, and fix it? Oh wait.....
Your argument against Wikipedia is as flawed as any of your arguments. For every 1 person that is...
This is how:
And its false i might add. It absolutely DOES detract from it. Each and every one of those stories are fabricated to be 'the word of god' and never questioned. Its a tool, and has very little scientific merit. Remember, science does not simply CHANGE its findings so it can keep a...
Yes you do, but, its off topic for this thread. It has been asked a few times here, and even more times in the other thread, but continue your dodging.
I will not be replying to this thread anymore (after this post) as it officially doesn't have a thing to do with what it started with anymore...
Lol, and now he dismisses Wikipedia as if it has no basis in fact either. I got news for you buddy, if your book had 1/1000th the amount of facts as Wikipedia, we would have never had this argument to begin with.
Oh, and the multiple books all intentionally left out from the bible because they...
Argumentum ad populum (appeal to belief, appeal to the majority, appeal to the people): where a proposition is claimed to be true or good solely because many people believe it to be so.
Sorry, but many many people believe many many dumb things. Just because it is commonly accepted does not...
Mwuahaha no no no, not the same ones. I never even started it last time! I lost my job and shit, so getting a good PC and some spores had to be put on hold =(
But, that's all solved now, my PES Amazonians are going in the birthing tank tonight, and into the SGFC tomorrow =D
Well ya, i said i made a mistake, and trolling was not intended. The problem is he offers no valid argument, just nonsensical trash and then moves on to insults (which i have quotes of from both threads).
But again, getting confused and traversing threads, was not intentional. Never said it was...
I should have known when they mentioned the MJ plants growing around the compound ;D
Glad to see your back, and expect those PM's soon from me, my first cakes will be done consolidating tonight! (i know, its only been like 6 months right lol)
I give it about 2 weeks, and this is the stance that Brotherbuz will be touting as well.
Look, I disagree with the way Padawanbater made his post. I (usually) am the last to get rude (unless I want some fun, reference Brotherbuz). But i also disagree wth your defense of the bible. The bible has...