Oh i get it quite well! SO here ya go buddy, MORE LINKS! Yet STILL, you havnt provided ONE! BTW this is my FIRST google of it, ripped straight from wiki, but there were plenty of other references if you need them:
Main article: List of transitional fossils
See also: Evolution of the...
You can say it a thousand times sir, it doesn't make it true. And i wont be bothered to post MORE information as to why you are wrong. Your going to need to try harder.
Darwin wrote that, thats right, 150 years ago. So, as you would imagine, and its been referenced already in this thread, there ARE transitional links. In fact, at this point, there are thousands of them.
The problem lies in the fact that you want millions of links. Ive already stated this. You...
Nor will he ever.
Incoming! More dodging, a few confusing quotes from posts that didn't make sense the first time, and then shortly after he'll be preaching that its what 'he's been saying all along'.
Its really quite predictable. He ignores, dodges, insults, and just as you've forogotten...
I give you props for finding any meaning in that post, i couldn't.
It seems he was trying to point something out about me admitting being gay, but i really don't see it, and it would be a lie if i did.
Just more self delusion Brother!
Your right and i should clarify.
Had the church i mentioned, to be specific, used a public forum, or townhall, or even just a demonstration at a chosen capitol etc, is fine no matter the speech i would agree.
Getting your entire gang to barge in on the outside of a military funeral with signs...
Not to pick a fight or anything, but i think its a bit naive to think that the crisis has been 'solved'. These kinds of breakthroughs have come and gone in the past. Ethanol was preached as a 'crisis eliminator' as well, but that market is very small and they are running into many foreseen and...
Actually, MT's MMJ program is about to be reformed (Gov. Schweitzer will NOT be signing or vetoing SB423, thus it will become law).
Their excuse for this reform? That the registry has 'mushroom clouded' since the Ogden Memorandum, along with constant references to Californias MMJ program and...
Case and point. While i do agree with several things you say to some degree, I personally feel that you expressed it poorly. This kind of rhetoric and blatant bias is what keeps the conversation on such a childish level. Provide actual cohesive thought, use whole sentences, proper grammar, and...
I absolutely agree with you.
Now here is where i say that you have a better, um, 'moral standing' than these other fools. Would you say that ever since that experience, 'gays made your skin crawl'? Im betting not. Ive had bad experiences with gays as well, there's a 'bad apple in any group'...
LOL! Thats too funny!
Now am i saying that you have to like all gays? Hell no! Ive met several gays that i cant stand being around, but ill tell you one thing, not one reason was ever simply because they were gay. Maybe they were annoying, childish, abrasive, or complete lack of anything in...
Thank you for the kind words, and im glad i have provided some food for thought. It was only meant as such, it was never meant to 'change' anyones mind about anything.
If you have been following from the beginning with me and him (actually it may have been Slojo, or Weed4Cash, i cant really...
I am so ready to agree with this statement, until the church says what they have, or people like Slojo show up and start posting borderline hatespeech.
I fully respect any and all peoples right to free speech. But free speech should never be confused with free hatred.
Westboro Baptist Church...
Actually, i gave you a QUOTE from the SAME bible as yours. You ignored it. It showed very clearly that it is NOT harmonius.
In fact, hasnt that been the biggest problem of the church and the great book? A lack of continuity. Perhaps you would like to shed some light on ALL (not just the ones...
Oh im over giving you physical evidence fool. Its like giving a monkey toolset. He'll look it over for a bit, get angry when he realizes he cant figure out how to use them, then start throwing them angrily at other monkeys.
We have provided you links on mulitple occasions, all of which you...
Awww what did you edit out? Did you say something you regret? I hope not.
No, i am NOT a homosexual. But they sure as hell don't make my skin crawl, only the religious nuts that doubt all science and are completely incapable of logic thought can make my skin do that.
Lets call those fossils, say, verses in the bible.
Then, lets say, each of those verses are referencing the Earth.
Now lets say you dumbed it all down to 10 verses. Let us also say that, Creationism, would be one of those verses referencing the earth as a 'sphere', and Evolution would be those...
You are, and continue to be, the ONLY person here with, as you so eloquently say, 'nothing-nothing!'
Those fossils back up evolution theory FAR more often than they disprove it, on ANY level of bedrock. Just saying 'you got nothing' in a post, then saying 'nailed it' to yourself while walking...