Just did.
Please do. On a side note, calling him a homophobic bigot is NOT degrading. At least no more degrading than you saying homosexuals make your skin crawl.
No dodging sir. Just i know when you have something i should reply to and when you dont. You have had several pages of nonsense...
So how is that not an insult? Ha. You assume you know me, my thought processes, sexual orientation, my state of mind and moral integrity. Then proceed to tell others your opinion as if it is fact (funny, sounds like your book in a way!). Doing so? Its insulting. Keep calling me a dodger dude...
LOL. Dont get me started. If things were still run the way your great book says it should be, we would still be killing gays, lynching negroes, enslaving populations and murdering non-believers.
Your book is a joke, your opinions are a joke, and again, you have nothing to offer but verses out...
Say what you want dude, but all you and Slojo are, are pro spinners and bigots. Keep trying to use your silly tactics to get a rise, but its as plain as the nose on your face through this entire thread that you have no intelligent discussion to offer, just spins and slants on the facts. How...
Just wanted to point out that there is no evidence to support this. Any of the experts (RR, Roadkill, etc) on shroomery will say the same thing. No difference has been shown in the amount/quality of psilocybin/psilocin between caps and stems.
RR has mentioned a method a few times on the shroomery forums using Everclear and filtering it a few times then freezing. My first flush will be comin pretty soon so ill be tryin it out, i want my first level 5 experience ;D
I did it on multiple occasions as well, and got nothing. Then only after i left the thread did he start with more bashing, and in so many words, claiming he won. He is only going to continue with insults and dodging until you ask so many questions you forget all about ones you asked earlier. As...
There was a stage during my teens that i was drinking two big bottles of Robo and using it to swallow 2 boxes of 3C's. Usually turned into some sort of chemical clump in my stomach, and id fry for like 36 hours without needing to up.
Those days were fuckin crazy.... i dont miss dxm.
From my experience, it is going to vary. While tolerances can be described to a degree, it seems to me each plant is fully capable of expressing its own needs. I grew out several blackjacks, and while most of them did tolerate similar nutes, a few were also very different. Much will depend on...
It's funny, i was thinking the very same thing. I just pictured him standing up after hitting post and saying to himself 'NAILED IT!' and walking away with a giant smile on his face lol
But your right, it is going nowhere. Take care all, and thanks to those who gave me some valid discussion =D
Oh i fully understand the idea of transitional links. You will just never have enough of them. There is a difference.
It's funny that you of all people would say that i'm the one in the dark. You have provided the least amount of actual data to back up your arguments than anyone. The one person...
I wont pretend for one second that i didn't think that Obama was a better choice than McCain. I did, and i still do.
That being said, Obama is only failing harder and harder the longer he stays in office. He is renegging on promises at an ever-increasing rate, and he as you so eloquently put...
I love how anything that challenges you close-minded fools sense of ideals, its satanic. Anything that starts to take money from the church, or speak against the floods of pedophiles that flock to your gods good graces, and its satanic.
Ninety percent of the evil in this world are those who use...
EXACTLY! It is so freaking common its not even funny. These guys truly must have a fuckin handbook somewhere.
Google 'how to disprove evolution'. Their kind actually have writeups as to how to debate the topic. Tactics on how to avoid certain questions, and tips on how to twist words against...
So you can say that even though 9 things say otherwise, the 1 phrase means its true. You do the same here. All of the parts of evolution don't matter, the one part you don't understand means its false. But, all but ONE phrase calls the earth, in so many words, flat? You cant just flip your...