They sure dont.
Lol, typical.
Your bring a very valid point, that others have pointed out as well. To be honest, i see it this way: i left the other thread, because it was no longer on topic (the debate no longer had anything to do with knocking on doors). This thread, while it is exactly...
As Heisenberg said, if your point is that its dumb to try to stay on welfare just so you dont have to work, then your right.
But before you go and start pegging all welfare, foodstamp, wic, and other assistance program beneficiaries, i would recommend doing a little research first. I have been...
Also, if your THREE links is 'The Light', then it finally makes sense why you are still debating. The amount of info we have sent your way by now would equivilate to 10 Hydrogen Bombs worth of light. Did it melt your eyes back into their sockets? Was it too powerful?
I thought so.
HOLY SHIT. If that isnt the pot calling the kettle black i dont what is! Your a joke dude, and posts like this only show how backed into a corner you truly are.
Your a master of spin as well. Going through this thread again, its AMAZING how stupid you look. Twisting words, paraphrasing, quoting...
Post 150:
Post 157:
Pretty sad right? THREE LINKS in the ENTIRE thread.
I also want to add, of those links, we can break it down. One, came from a Christian website that flouts the same lies you do. The other two, came from, and this makes me laugh, WIKIPEDIA. Weren't you JUST telling...
Heres what ill do buddy. Ill go through this entire thread for the 20th time, and ill collect EVERY link and reference to data we have provided.
THEN, ill do the same with every link YOU have provided.
How do you suppose that post is going to look? hmmmm?
If you WERE at home with mother, id tell you to sit down and have a nice chat with her about interpersonal relationships, manners, and possibly get a few tips on staying consistent when debating your beliefs.
In fact, id be MORE interested in meeting HER, and figuring our exactly what kind of...
Fuckin A! Whats even better is, they had 40k of that 50k by last friday, and the fundraising started wednesday. Meaning, they got the first 40k in TWO DAYS! Goetz seems like the go-to guy for this and im hoping its a fruitful endeavor. We all know (even Schweitzer has acknowledged) that the bill...
That is a bold faced lie sir, PROVE IT (link, article, anything). You can't. Why? Because not one of the classes you THINK you are referring to would say they are 'proving god'. They would say they are proving that it may not have been as random as we think. That is NOT proof of god. Math works...
After that long of a Hiatus and you come back with even less quality in your post. Your losing ground fast BB, this thread will be dead within a week.
Neanderthal? Tailbone? Banned books? Still waiting on LOTS of answers man.
I have! =D
I have often wanted to point this out to others but it would be lost on them. I see it like this: We clearly separate quotes, form complete and grammatically correct (mostly) sentences, and provide facts. 'They' reply with giant blocks of texts (that can easily be perceived as more...
Obviously not, because the only meaningful debate to come from his 'side' in the last 55 pages were from other people trying to defend him. Rather pathetic really.
Aren't you supposed to be burning witches, and not just melting down like them? =P
Your sounding like your in a corner. Post 57? Comments on fossils using real terms? How many other things will you be dodging and/or deflecting today?
God i feel like a McDonalds commercial...... "Im Lovin' It" lol
Sir, how dare you call me a liar. You are only now molding your definition of an insult. Saying your being delusional is a personal insult is it? Well by that definition, you technically started it 4 posts before that, Post 57 (4 posts before calling you delusional):
Frankly, its just as...
/droooooool at romulan ;D It is my next order for sure, ive been drooling on it since i first saw it in a HT mag like 10 years ago lol (prob just cuz im a trekki stoner tho)
Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it IS a science, and its why so many people fuck it up so often (i have myself, i wont lie). Here is just a TIDBIT of the science happening inside that jar:
Naturally, as the metabolic processes continue during curing, the conversion of cannabergerol to...
Very well said sir. Your ideas and beliefs fall almost exactly into mine. I am also agnostic, and i merely see the Big Bang, evolution, Math, you name it, as all being merely tools the 'creator' used.
To say there is NO god is as foolish as blindly believing that 'his' hand is in every action...