You definitely need at least a 6inch fan and probably a bigger better cfm rated carbon filter, a separate fan to just take care of the lights would probably be a good idea, and i hope you have some place out side the room to dump the heat.
I think a 400 watter would be just about perfect for your room, you might be able to pull off a 600 watter, either way you want an air cooled hood, a decent centrifugal fan and a good carbon filter to take care of the smell, you could go with a 600 watt dimable ballast and if the heat becomes to...
- How big of a Carbon Filter will I need to control the odor in this setup? What size of fan will I need to accompany it?
That kit you linked from ebay should be just fine
- Will the passive intakes be sufficient? Or should I add another inline fan for intake in the veg room?
The passive...
So the other day i cut off some under growth from my White Russian to improve air flow and quick dried it for 2 days by setting it on top of my air cooled hood, i am assuming that what i cut off was mainly what would be referred to as pop corn buds, i was pretty surprised that after 2 days on...
You know you are not supposed to super crop hard woody stems right, also any time you fuck up and break a stem to much when supercroping you can use scotch tape to splint the break and every thing will most likely be just fine.
So i just got done doing some work in my room, i was picking off dead and dying leaves from the canopy for about 15 minutes mid way threw i started feeling really funny like i was really high, and i haven't smoked all day but my hands were covered in resin, i am pretty sure i got a bit high off...
Its been a while since i last updated so i figured i would put some pics up this is day 33 of flowering, the White Russian seems to be putting on weight like a body builder, however the Blue Cheeses growth seems to be runt like at best...
Here are some pics of the White Russian...
The growth of my White Russian is fucking beautiful the bud sites are so tight and resinous just touching the shit leaves a sticky ass resin all over my finger tips, the blue cheese is starting to catch up but doesn't look any where near as bud packed as my White Russian looks like it will be...
Looks good man that's a nice short flowering time, i just recently looked at the flowering time of my plants and they both say 8-12 weeks pretty disappointing really i was hoping that they would both be relatively short but from what i am looking at it looks like it could be a long time before...
I would like to replicate flowa's but the problem is i believe i would have to have the reservoir significantly lower than the buckets other wise the water from the reservoir would level out in the bucket and flood the root system of the plants.
Sigh i don't even know if this is a good idea, i don't have an RO machine and this would cost me a fuck ton in water it would also probably look pretty weird in the small town i live in, it seems to me that i am at a stand still with the active hydro thing... I like the idea of a recirculating...
Hmm fuck sigh i just realized that because of the way i have the water lines set up that i would not be able to use the pump from the reservoir to drain the system when its time to change the water.
What about this one?
So now i am thinking about going rdwc, i am trying to simplify it though, it seems most people have a return line coming off of each bucket and then going into 1 return line then back to the reservoir, they also have 1 feeder line splitting off into multiple to feed each bucket, to simplify, cut...