oh to be able to fart on command when I was last in Ottawa we went to see the parliment building and they had to stick their hand down my babies diaper to check for weapons how I hoped for a wet shitty one but no such luck maybe if I shit my pants first they will not be so eager do they taze you...
I have not and will not work for or support any LP's if it comes down to it I will support the crook down the street at least he all ways has a good supply and openly admits to ripping me off so at least he is honest about what he is doing and in my view his risk justifies his price.
I just checked with the edmonton airport the other day they said that you can put it in your checked bags or your carry-on just have your paper work ready and give a little extra time as if they find it some security will want to have a rcmp officer call to verify your paperwork but some will...
just got off the phone with security at the Edmonton airport they say I can carry it in my carry on or checked luggage just have my paperwork in hand they will verify the paperwork with the rcmp so give a little extra time incase the cops are slow. they claim the 90 minutes they ask for all...
ok that makes it clearer I never leave home without them maybe if I did not just cremate a couple of them there papers I would have caught on thanks GB & POLO
I am flying to Ottawa in July for 2 weeks what can I expect when I go through security at the airport I will be carrying less than my script so well under the new limits that we can carry.
if I had to pay LP prices I would be left in the dark hell I would not even have a roof over my head, I have a wonderful grower who grows for me and ships it half way across the country all for $1.00 per gram oh and he grows what I want now that is compassion for the patient.
they were shut down due to a HC inspection some thing to due with production methods. they are now working with other LP's trying to get new product for their patients. what a joke they all are sure glad I kept all my pink papers.
I seem to only be able to scroll down 2 or 3 replies then it jumps back up it only happens on this site since the new changes. I am about to give up on this site all together which is sad because it is a site that I look forward to visiting a couple times a day