right they are abusing the system they don't even want any thing to do with it. just legalize and keep the doctors and bikers out of it there all problems solved.
I have been involved in over 100 bandaid applications and removed a sliver so that makes me an expert so if any one can't afford plastic surgery I am now qualified will work for meds.
I am in Alberta and bought a old house on a tax sale I pulled the permit and did a total upgrade on the electrical and switched from propane to natural gas had the city inspector come in and he passed it all no problems.
Minnow do you own Tilray or are you just paid as their spokes person or maybe you are just stupid and don't know any better have you ever even smoked pot before you tried Tirays crap.
I will get right on that Gmack and while I am at it I will tell him that I want to wait 3 months for my meds so I can feel like I belong in our Gov. program. no I won't do that but I might send him a nice Christmas present and a thank you card.
I have been with my grower now for 2 years and it is $1.00 a gram he sends my script promptly and I have never went without. why would I want to sell it for $5.00 a gram then run out and have to pay some one elses high price. I do what my doctor says she says take this much a day and I do so...
with 3 young boys in the house I went the DG route and have a wonderful grower who supplies me with great meds and all for just $1.00 a gram God bless compassionate growers
I get up have a piss make a big cup of coffee then go outside and smoke a fatty as I do not smoke in the house as we have 3 young boys only vape in the house. and I smoke around 10 to 12 fatties a day every day it's that or go back to 12 percocets a day which I will never do again that was not a...
well I made it back leaving edmonton I told them I had medical pot in my carry on and that the paper work was with it the security guy said that is not a problem have a nice flight sir. now leaving Ottawa was a little different told them the same thing got the same responce then stepped through...