shit they can't even keep up to the demand now what if another 40,000 patients would like to get some. call back next year or the year after that maybe we can supply you then.
thats right they should have only LP's producing donuts then they could charge $10 or $12 a piece for them but a dozen is way to many so limit them to only 2 or 3
it could cause a national shortage of donuts do to the munchies then the cops would have nothing to get them through their shift and this could be a risk to the public.
the gov. could get me to do that job just pay my travel expenses no salary and all the growers could pay me with meds then my $1000 a month disability could go to supporting my children.
just got my taxes done for 2014 I got $12,116 last year at $10 a gram I would need $900 a month plus shipping for my meds that would leave me with $100 a month to pay rent-power-heat-ect. ect . ect. and I have 3 young boys to support I can't work anymore so whats a guy to do.
yes I agree Dr. Shaw is a lovely lady I've seen her twice now and had a wonderful experience both times. both appointments were done over skype I will see her again when the time comes to renew as she was there for me when nobody else was.
I did not have to deal with my doctor at all green leaf medical clinic had me sign a request form and they got my records from my doctor. cost a total of $45 well worth it your doctor can not refuse you your medical records they are yours. every time I see a doctor I get a copy of the record for...
Hi pulp I used green leaf medical clinic in Abbotsford BC I am not in BC but they were very helpful no referrals they just got a copy of my files from my doc and did it all over skype cost between 4 and 5 hundred very worth the money very nice and helpful people.
great news my DG came through just got a tracking # last night which means it is on it's way takes a whole lot of worry off my mind thank you DG you know who you are..
as my DG did not think he had time to harvest another crop it looks like I am back to square one can't afford LP's or even the black market so if some thing does not change in the next week I will be back on the pharma killer drugs when you only get $12,000 a year on disability it makes it tough...
I heard about that case he was charged for giving an ounce to a couple of guys he met at a MS conference he got 4 months. but the judge said he did not have to start his sentence until the jail could come up with a way that he could receive his meds. as far as I know he never did serve his...
I made $12,000 last year on my disability pension and I have 7, 9 & 11 year old boys to support. trying to figure out what we do not need so I can buy meds
I do not remember RIU asking me if I was with law enforcement when I signed up here. You never know what peeps are lurking around here to me this would be a perfect place to go fishing. Incriminate yourself if you must but leave others alone not to do so is called a rat.