I read a comment from tweed that they are not trying to get their shipment back they simply just will not pay for it. so if it was from a certain MC club tweed may now need even more security.
yes it is good to be back looking forward to the 420 rally in Edmonton on the 20th I will be wearing a roll-it up badge on my chest so if any of you are there stop me and we can talk and smoke a fatty I hope any other members wear one as well so we can identify each other this would be good for...
I will be there for sure my mother in law is going to take my wife and kids out for the day so I can attend should be fun going to pre-roll a whole pack of joints and blaze so big they should be able to see us in calgary.
if we win in the supreme court then it should be good for all patients if it is the right of one patient then it should be the right for all patients. lets not give up now we have them on the ropes lets keep up the fight for all patients now and in the future.
maybe we could wear a roll-it-up badge on our chest so we can find each other. it would be nice to put a face to the names that we have been talking to.
I am 1 1/2 hours s.e. of edmonton but go up that way often I would be in on the legislature deal on the 20th I did not hear about it I went to a smoke in on parliment hill in 1970's it was a blast
maybe HC or Harpers ss are causing the problems they are worried that when we ban together we are in power and they don't like that! so they try to cut us off from each other we can't plan if we can't talk to each other I would not put this kind of tactic past them we all know they will do any...
MJ is all we need even my doctors told me that if I took their meds the way they were perscribed I had 3 to 5 years to live I stopped them all and here I am 12 years later and I have a life with 6 8 and 10 year old sons and a grandson just born 10 minutes ago by my 30 year old daughter life is...
so then imply it where it belongs nobody corrected green thumb on that probably because he is the allmighty LP suck up to them if you must but I never will.
I did not tell green thumb to go some where else he told whatfg to go some where else all I did is ask a question but I guess that is only allow if you are a LP and they wonder why the patients are against them.
they had me on 12 percacets a day every day plus demeral that is not a life I now take nothing but pot. on the perc's I actually tried to kill myself but they got me to the hospital on time if I had to go back to the chemical pills I would choose death period. not to worry fellow patients I will...
gb123 I think rnr might be a LP or a LP wannabe or at least a MMPR suporter sounds like he or she wants us to give up and stop the fight for what is ours by right and by law. lets never give up
my DG sells to me at $1.00 per gram and ships it to for that price and is happy that he can continue doing it. now there is compasion thank you to my grower you know who you are.
yes lets try to be civil to one another or the place it will be is called the house of commons swaring and calling each other names belongs in politics not here we need to stick together and finnish this fight not only for us but for all the patients that will come after us. may your lights...
welcome back bigdaddy sorry to hear of your tough time but glad you made it back these have been some worried times but I think we will all be ok now thanks to John Conroy and his team