Yeah man are you in soil or coco ?
Coco I can push to 2000ppm easy by week 3 of flower
I`ll go to 2400ppm as my water comes in around 400ppm after I`ve treated it
but some strains can take 3000ppm max some burn around 2000/2500`ish
when I used to run dwc I could push most strains to...
I`d go with Lace wing larvae or Nematodes for a natural way to lower the problem
but spinosad must kill them ?
do they also spread to the root zone like thrips and start eating the plant from the bottom inside out up the stem ?
Incandescents give off around 60 to 80% more heat
so if it says 40w max then normally you can run an 80w cfl with no issues as long as its wiring will do the job
125w should be ok but you might be pushing your luck
I know I`ve used 105w cfl`s in "60w" fittings before no problems...
also 1-5-4 ?
I like a 1-2-3 or even 1-1-3 ratio then later drop it closer to 0-0-1
Too much phosphorus can cause problems even more so with cal/mag and tap water well any non RO`d water seems to have more Cal then anything else in it
Calcium phosphate can build up in the root zone and be a...
No it`s what a lot of people call "Amber"
Depends on the strain
some plants make a mix and they ripen like follows
Brown is when they degrade
not all trichs can become amber
it`s genetic...
with miners I`d remove the effected leaf yeah if you can
Thrips are a cunt
I like spinosad kills 70 to 100% of all bugs in a few days
captain jacks or mongomery if your in the USA, Ant stop granules for you UK spinosad lovers :)
that plants not made any pollen sacks yet
its just spaced out, ga3 does that then the plant starts getting fatter again
not sure if you will get male pollen sacks you`ll have to flower it and see
personally I harvest a plant and leave some of it then GA3 it after I know it flowers female...
Not much on it to clone and you don`t know its female
I`d add the other lights and in 2 weeks it should be big enough that you can take 2 to 8 cuttings off of it
zambeza seeds do a 10 pack of (fems) XL Power plant or power kush and 1 to 3 more strains for £20 a pack, if you shop around you can...
I`d add them now in hope of more veg
Your going to want 100w of cfl min to flower or you won`t get much at all not that I`ve done much cfl only growing used them for germination and veg, and used 105w or bigger ones as side lights when running leds
but yeah for cfl you want 50w to 300w per...
Ah that explains it see you want a 105w actually cfl then that fucker will grow faster
I`ve taken a plant much smaller than that and put it in a 60L sack, vs one I put in a 15L sack
one week later under 600w hid and 300w (150 consumption) led
the one in the bigger pot was bigger
2 weeks...
maybe try feeding them a bit less
are you ph`ing your water/feed ?
What are you feeding them and how often ?
are they in dirt or coco/perlite ?
Do you let them get really dry or just the dry side of dam ?
some plants in smaller sacks can`t really take getting too dry but then if you...
well that`s your problem
Pure perlite is not great for germination, ok its good up to day 2/3 from pop
but coco/perlite mix would be better, and that`ll be why you have some green algae growing in your seedling pots too algae loves perlite huh ?