wtf is this?

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
this Snake Venom seedling came up like this. never seen this before. its whole life, it has been literally inches from the Ghost Train Haze seedling below, same feed, same light, same this some kind of virus? the roots look good, i transplanted it out of the solo cup i had it in just to make sure there wasn't something in the perlite maybe. i know theres a little algae, but that can't possibly be the problem...can it?100_1997.JPG 100_1998.JPG 100_1999.JPG 100_2000.JPG 100_2001.JPG


Well-Known Member
looks like some kinda burn or genetic defect

but this can happen and the plant still grows fine later

is that pure perlite or you have some coco or light mix under that ?


Well-Known Member
pure perlite, hempys from birth to death
well that`s your problem

Pure perlite is not great for germination, ok its good up to day 2/3 from pop

but coco/perlite mix would be better, and that`ll be why you have some green algae growing in your seedling pots too algae loves perlite huh ?