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  1. DG1959

    re moisturizing bud

    talking about keeping pounds at the right moisture, thought get all the ideas in case it drys more than I want..... I do have boveda 62 in with them.
  2. DG1959

    re moisturizing bud

    Okay, thanks... never know what works and what doesn't.
  3. DG1959

    drying and curing weed in rolled joints

    Your are missing what "curing" is all about..... try just a joint and let the rest cure.
  4. DG1959

    re moisturizing bud

    I read on this site something pretty cool.... a member said to put a tortilla in with your buds if they get a little dry, by morning the tortilla will be dry and bud just about right. Of course we are talking about large amounts of bud. Pretty cool idea. Love roll it up.
  5. DG1959 long do I have to trim them?

    Had kind of the same problem this year... lots of work.... 4 plants outdoor that got huge! ( about 10' tall and 8' wide!)but I have a nice barn with a 12 X 12 room just for things like this.... took my wife and I many hours of trimming and we did most while wet. It's okay to trim most while wet...
  6. DG1959

    Strawberry bannana

    Think I might try this strain.... your experience growing or your thoughts ? I see a wide range in prices, I see 10 fem seeds for $45 (Dutch seed) and another company is $99....
  7. DG1959

    Testing flower

    Anyone send bud in to be tested in a laboratory? Potency , molds , moisture and so forth. I am in Oregon and since it is legal I thought why not? not for medical but just curious how my bud did. what price have you paid or heard of? I think a place in Eugene is $60 and I believe I would only...
  8. DG1959

    How much in your area?

    125 oz
  9. DG1959

    How long to hang dry?

    Hang until done....... no one can tell you just how long but long enough. Some of mine can be done in a few days some close to 2 weeks.
  10. DG1959

    More rules on testing More regulations..... real hard to figure everything OLCC wants, every time I look there seems to be more and more. Hope the link works.
  11. DG1959

    Topping for outdoor help

    Not sure where you are but your talking about next year right? But I top mine every year plus super crop and back build the buds. I think you would want to top far sooner than one month to flower.
  12. DG1959

    Just found budrot; should I harvest 'em?

    BIG rain and very strong winds will start Thursday..... I had to take mine down... had some bud rot and they were ready anyway.... South of PDX.
  13. DG1959

    And now... Third outdoor grow early start:

    Had to chop my 4 down yesterday. Found a small amount of rot but wasn't too bad, decided better not take a chance. These girls were ready, heavy! I won't even guess right now what the finishing weight will be but looks good.... stsin is correct... if you live where you can by all means plant...
  14. DG1959

    Oregon growers

  15. DG1959

    Oregon Rec. Grow

    What do you guys see the price of flower going for in your areas?.... I see $125 for really nice buds and $100 for average..... here there are guys getting between $1200 and $1500 lb.
  16. DG1959

    Oregon growers

    Just for fun.... what's the going price here in Oregon.... pounds all the way to oz. My town/area is around $1,200 lb or I see very good bud for $125 and $100 oz for mid shelf type..... not dispensary.
  17. DG1959

    Oregon Rec. Grow

    I have one plant that I believe will be coming down this week. It is Honeysuckle, of course outdoors but greenhouse. I tried a couple samples of her and sure tastes good and looks like a good producer. But I don't think I would grow this strain outdoors again, grows big but the branches are weak...
  18. DG1959

    good reading . i actually learned something . how to get dense buds

    Good reading... now look up back building buds.
  19. DG1959

    Drying an outdoor crop

    Setting up the shop, going to need some room since this looks like a good year. Love the shipping container. Also I agree, no hanging trees .