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  1. DG1959

    Oregon, HOT!!!!!!!

    100 + degrees, keep those girls watered.
  2. DG1959

    How Long can Cannabis last in sealed curring jars? does it improve over years?

    I like the flavors I get from the ladies I grow, tincture is fine but smoking a well loved herb you grow from seed to cure is the best. Who cares if it lost potency,,,, smoke more of it.
  3. DG1959

    Cannabis For Wisdom Teeth Surgery?

    Got super high once just before I had a root canal. I guess I must have got paranoid because I really believed the Novocaine wasn't working.... LOL, never do that again.
  4. DG1959

    What are the most Euphoric strains?

    guys and gals..... i enjoy smoking CURED cannabis, please do yourself, and us a favor.... CURE! I... have smoked so much shit from "wannabe's" it is amazing. Been doing this gardening since 1972,,,, yup, older than shit. Grow enough to smoke with friends or family,,,,,, save some to cure for a...
  5. DG1959

    How much does your weed cost?

    $125 oz here in Western Oregon for good or better..... market is weak.
  6. DG1959

    Oregon growers

    I am on the West side about the middle of the valley..... Honeysuckle, Ice cool and 2 Mojave OG kush.... I call "OG" Oregon grown. Seeing and pre flowers? I might be seeing things but I am sure seeing the "change"..... I grow in a greenhouse that is 8' 6" .... running out of room so I super...
  7. DG1959

    Horse Manure Amendment question.

    Planted right where I have had a cow manure compost pile for 20 years. I scraped most off with my tractor bucket then rototiller about 32 inch's deep, added some epsom...built a greenhouse right there. 4 plants .... largest plants I have ever grown. Cow shit will grow about anything.
  8. DG1959

    Super cropping questions

    I super crop almost daily (sure seems like it any ways ), my outdoor is way too big! The greenhouse is only 8 feet tall so if I didn't I would be in big trouble. Good thing is that I am starting to see preflowers..... please slow down!
  9. DG1959


    Noticing a change on the ladies, 45th parallel.... any one else notice the plants look like they are in pre flower? August, seems about on time at least for me, plus I am in a greenhouse.
  10. DG1959

    SB 1598 "Micro Canopy" license News and Info

    Yup, and now they have came out with a list of nutrients that will not be allowed.
  11. DG1959

    SB 1598 "Micro Canopy" license News and Info

    I read it as you must follow 100% of what they are asking for... including the surveillance videos... real pain in the ass... more I look into this the less I like it.
  12. DG1959

    Plant Neglect

    had two of the big lower limbs do that on a plant about a week ago, never even wilted..... your fine.
  13. DG1959


    nice, very nice.
  14. DG1959

    WTF is going on with all the terror attacks

    To my friends in France, I am so sorry that a piece of waste killed and injured so many in Nice.... may be on the other side of the pond from you but united we stand..... please be careful. peace will eventually prevail. To ISIS..... FUCK YOU!!!!!!! pig fucking piece of shits!!!!
  15. DG1959

    Whats up with K2 over dose?

    33 people over dosed on K2 in Brooklyn on one street corner.... what's up with that?
  16. DG1959

    SB 1598 "Micro Canopy" license News and Info

    any thing new on this subject?
  17. DG1959

    What is your favourite strain and why.

    Really happy with sweet and sour by spliff. Sativa buzz, smoke is super good.
  18. DG1959

    A cop or cops just got shot and or killed in Dallas

    The one pussy got a bomb delivered to him by a robot from SWAT...... knock knock.... who's there?... karma bitch!
  19. DG1959

    Oregon Rec. Grow

    So when will this stretch slow down !.... my girls are about 6 foot high and fatter than Rosey O Donald.