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  1. DG1959

    I LIKE Early Harvests -- Anyone Else of that Mind?

    Next time just take a couple buds and wait for the rest.
  2. DG1959

    Harvest time

    Couldn't see the tri good enough but looks like your close, some guru will tell you better than I.
  3. DG1959

    How much Should I charge for Weed?

    Found that about this time of year prices are a little higher since all the outdoor won't be chopped until next month. Also when our podunk town has their yearly parade and carnival a guy can get a lot more.... just priced some very good bud that has been cured right.... $125 an oz.
  4. DG1959

    Any caregivers selling excess flower to dispensaries?

    Oregon thought that by legalizing weed the black market would stop or drop dramatically. With the rules they now have in place I highly doubt that will happen.
  5. DG1959

    Any caregivers selling excess flower to dispensaries?

    OLCC has made this a nightmare in my opinion.
  6. DG1959

    Security system

    domestic geese
  7. DG1959

    Plant identification

    Does it have thorns? if so we have one also.... I am sure I am wrong but "bayberry" seems like what the wife called it.
  8. DG1959

    Difference between male and seeded female?

    LOL.... Dad ever tell you abut the birds and the bees? YES it takes a male and a female.
  9. DG1959

    Property privacy !!

    I have electric fence ... several strands and very hot! also some driveway wireless alarms sat up near my plants and then a 12 gauge shotgun right beside my bed in case the alarm goes off ,,,,,, plus 4 dogs. (they are little help).
  10. DG1959

    Love it! only in Oregon ,,,,LOL

    Guy had 240 plants.... the law came and took all but 4 (legal amount here)... how could yo pick 4 out of 240 ? Not sure if the link works.
  11. DG1959

    How much Should I charge for Weed?

    Oregon price going down.... excellent harvest this season and just in my rural neighbor hood I know of 3 really nice grows, not counting mine..... every body around me have plants 10 to 12 foot tall and loaded with flowers..... outdoors.
  12. DG1959

    Oregon growers

    I am not medical.... just recreational.
  13. DG1959

    EXPERIMENTS 101 - What Have You Tried - What Works/Doesn't Work

    Not real sure if it increased the yield but I highly doubt that it hurt. Fattens the buds up nice.
  14. DG1959

    Oregon growers

    Oregon only allows 4
  15. DG1959

    EXPERIMENTS 101 - What Have You Tried - What Works/Doesn't Work

    Not sure if this has been said but... I snip just the tip off of the buds as they grow and it really makes the buds swell.... saw this on either this site or another so I did a few buds on a couple plants to see if there was a difference.... doing it to all the buds this go.
  16. DG1959

    Plant spring harvest fall outdoor is it beginning of fall?

    There is no telling because we don't know the strain or where you are... farther North sooner than farther South. I am on the North 45th and I bet I have at least 6 weeks to go and I grow in a greenhouse in the ground.
  17. DG1959

    Oregon growers

    full on flower, 10 foot plus. super cropped all summer.... not much for pictures.
  18. DG1959

    GYO Seedbank

    Any body use these guys?
  19. DG1959


    Mojave OG Kush count ?
  20. DG1959

    Oregon, HOT!!!!!!!

    No Thank you sir.... LOL.... 104 for a high temp yesterday.