Found that about this time of year prices are a little higher since all the outdoor won't be chopped until next month. Also when our podunk town has their yearly parade and carnival a guy can get a lot more.... just priced some very good bud that has been cured right.... $125 an oz.
Oregon thought that by legalizing weed the black market would stop or drop dramatically. With the rules they now have in place I highly doubt that will happen.
I have electric fence ... several strands and very hot! also some driveway wireless alarms sat up near my plants and then a 12 gauge shotgun right beside my bed in case the alarm goes off ,,,,,, plus 4 dogs. (they are little help).
Guy had 240 plants.... the law came and took all but 4 (legal amount here)... how could yo pick 4 out of 240 ? Not sure if the link works.
Oregon price going down.... excellent harvest this season and just in my rural neighbor
hood I know of 3 really nice grows, not counting mine..... every body around me have plants 10 to 12 foot tall and loaded with flowers..... outdoors.
Not sure if this has been said but... I snip just the tip off of the buds as they grow and it really makes the buds swell.... saw this on either this site or another so I did a few buds on a couple plants to see if there was a difference.... doing it to all the buds this go.
There is no telling because we don't know the strain or where you are... farther North sooner than farther South. I am on the North 45th and I bet I have at least 6 weeks to go and I grow in a greenhouse in the ground.