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  1. DG1959

    who is growing some trees????

    they say "money doesn't grow on trees" ....... wanna bet.
  2. DG1959

    Wtf is going on with this mystery sativa???

    Looks like it might also be too warm? not much in the way of flower is there.
  3. DG1959

    Wtf is going on with this mystery sativa???

    I had a sativa do that... it was Mojave OG kush.... planted it outdoors directly in the soil (super good soil) added some dolomite lime and epsom salts.... do super good now.
  4. DG1959

    Brexit Official

    THANK YOU!.... the DOW jones stock market dropped 500 points the first 5 minutes..... I hope to hell my stock buyer is buying me a lot of stock today.
  5. DG1959

    Brexit Official

    Can some one please explain all of this to us Western folks? I see it as a way to control immigration, right? I see it devalued your pound... what are the pros by leaving the union? sorry for not understanding politics
  6. DG1959


    Young man a couple years ago tried to rip a guy off in our area, got shot with a 22 right in the ass while climbing over the fence.... not saying violence is ever right,,,, butt (spelled but that way on purpose LMAO)
  7. DG1959


    I made this so I could raise the entire frame.... I have been cropping like a mad man, FIM, and topped. The dirt where these ladies are growing in is where we have composted steer manure for over 20 years, scraped it nice with the tractor and rototillerd DEEP. I added some lime and some epsom...
  8. DG1959


    Outdoor Oregon looking good! Ice breaker, Honeysuckle and Mojave OG kush. Sure doing a lot of super cropping and FIM.... too much fun being in a legal state.
  9. DG1959

    new to this first plant

    Yes, let her dry out a bit and then look into epsom salt a little... I had the same issue but I also transplanted to outdoor about that stage. So it might have been the lighting but I still think the epsom helped plus I added dolimite to my coposted soil..... hpoe it comes out good for you.
  10. DG1959

    Going to run out of room problem

    Yup, not my first time growing by the way..... LOL
  11. DG1959

    Going to run out of room problem

    Maybe SCROG at 6 foot .... LMAO
  12. DG1959

    Going to run out of room problem

    What to do,,, might all ready know,,, but your wisdom is sure welcome, just getting ideas. Outdoor greenhouse is cattle panel about 6 foot high covered with plastic.... plants have been super cropped, topped many times and trimmed all the time..... these monsters are out of control. back 2...
  13. DG1959

    Happy fathers day!

    Happy fathers day to you also!!!!!
  14. DG1959

    Huge mistake/ need some advice

    There are ways of having better chances of getting females but you are a long ways from learning that. You need to hammer out the basics first.
  15. DG1959

    Bought half an ounce for $60, questioning the quality?

    I have noticed less frost with outdoor. Example, Northern lights I grew last summer outdoor is not frosty but sure is good. The bud you have looks fine.
  16. DG1959

    Love the weather

    Plenty of fans and plenty of water. Going to be a hot one so watch out for stress outdoor guys.
  17. DG1959

    Love the weather

    The weather in Western Oregon has been perfect for gardening. I made this hoop house where I can raise it when I need to. The dirt is where I have had cow manure and composted for many years. These girls are growing too fast! I am topping, FIMing and super cropping.... I will be doing so major...
  18. DG1959

    Sweet and Sour

    Sweet & Sour ... not good pictures but you get the idea. Tried a bowl of this and I like it. Sorry for just the one picture, this is just the main cola... I have 2 more of these plants
  19. DG1959

    definatly hot soil nute burn?

    I think so, hard to tell but looks like something I just had. I moved them outside into composted soil and added some Epsom salt and now all is good.