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  1. DG1959

    My birthday

    Today is my 56th birthday... I saved a killer bud from a couple grows ago.... going to be a good day... LOL
  2. DG1959

    Led light height

    I did 3 auto's and veg 2 photo's ... pain. had to rotate them around every day. Buying 2 more 300w. So yes, 4 auto's max.
  3. DG1959

    Led light height

    The info you got from these guys are exactly what I do... had a friend tell me put those lights super close, like an inch away... darn near killed them.... been growing with two 300w mars for a couple years now and I keep my lights up about 18". Like 42fast when the buds start getting bigger...
  4. DG1959

    looks like my herb has been spoken for; at least this run.

    looks like my herb has been spoken for; at least this run.
  5. DG1959

    Cheap Outdoor Weed

    Not in Oregon or Washington... legal here.
  6. DG1959

    boveda pack help

    They work really good. I would never store again with out these.
  7. DG1959

    Herbies freebie: Holy Grail 69 seedling

    I am also growing that Holy grail 69.... looks like it will be good.
  8. DG1959

    Win Some Devilishly Dank Halloween Treats with The Vault!

    WOW! if I won it would be my Birthday present!... count me in please!
  9. DG1959

    Grower looking to help

    I sent a PM to you MRF
  10. DG1959

    Grower looking to help

    Yea, all ways looking at that... kind of scary. good thing is if I did craigslist I would be the only one in my town advertising it. Funny how there was a good loop hole.
  11. DG1959

    Grower looking to help

    I grow and have a enough to share... looking for one patient.... western Oregon near Albany, Corvallis.... PM me
  12. DG1959

    Craziest shit you got away with!

    Driving down 4th avenue? in Alaska many years ago ( 1978 ..hit every strip joint we could find.. I was riding shotgun very best friend was driving and we are super f ing drunk... he asked me to open my door and look back at his rear tire, thought it might be going flat and didn't want to stop...
  13. DG1959

    Input on air pots

    Been told that grocery bags are a big no! The dyes and other chemicals they use making these will leach in.
  14. DG1959

    Anyone play music for there plants???

    I do and I tried without, can't say it really made a difference but it sure can't hurt.
  15. DG1959

    when drying Cannibas

    I also put a pack of boveda 62 in each jar.
  16. DG1959

    Shout to all Oregonians

    week or two I will clone money maker, and white widow X big bud.... also have autoflower seeds of a nice assortment.
  17. DG1959

    when drying Cannibas

    Buy a dehumidifier. I was going to have the same problem here in Oregon but I immediately put a small heater and dehumidifier in there... now it is 70 degrees and 60% humidity.... the dehumidifier canisters are super cheap, like 5 bucks.
  18. DG1959

    Shout to all Oregonians

    I am wanting into the co op also... I am near Corvallis so pretty much middle of the west side..... neighbor hood smells real nice right now. I have clones and seeds I would trade... have some autoflower seeds also.
  19. DG1959

    What's in your jar right now?

    bout a pound of Northern lights and about to harvest whit widow... have 3 blue citrus auto's that are in their 3rd week of flower. Up and coming... Holy grail 69, white widow X big bud , strain hunters money maker and auto flower vast and fast.
  20. DG1959

    Growing weed on the 45th North

    Any one else grow outdoor on the 45th parallel North? nice being 1/2 between north pole and equator. My Northern lights smells so good! I will chop her down on Friday. Tri's are milky going to amber. Now the white widow is still a few weeks off.... rain expected Saturday so might have to cover...