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  1. NorthernHize

    6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition!!!!!!

    Day 15 since germ. This little lemon kush stinks already. Just thought to myself I should have popped more than one.
  2. NorthernHize

    General questions

    I'm just gonna come out and finally say it, I FUCKING HATE TENTS. They are the most useless pieces of fucking shit ever. I would rather jerk off with a handful of broken glass than waste my time or a seed inside one of those things.
  3. NorthernHize

    white kinda ttransparent film on leaves

    If your having success in soil and not in coco stick with the soil. sometime quitting while your ahead is not quitting at all. Soil is much more forgiving. and no more foliar feeding until you have many more grows under your belt.
  4. NorthernHize

    Fim or top and when

    So it sounds like you asked a question you already had an answer to, in the form of your research, or didn't you trust your research?
  5. NorthernHize

    Vents TT 160 T not Starting!

    not sure what you are trying to say.
  6. NorthernHize

    1 in 3 hands tall over the rest

    Some plants will rebound faster after transplants. strains and variants add other variables that sometime cant be accounted for based on your plants genetics and phenotype. Another question is how soon did you top them after transplanting?
  7. NorthernHize

    Need an LED expert

    absolutely, sprout some bag seed don't spend money on it. T.H.Cammo makes a good point experimentation is what we are about. Keep us posted!
  8. NorthernHize

    Thriving seedlings vs dying seedlings

    Hey Joe, This mix you are talking about is pretty much spot on to what I run. FFOF is pretty well amended and does not require that you feed for about 3-4 weeks, most people screw that up and start feeding to soon and stress the shit out of their plants. What ever mix you use I don't care what...
  9. NorthernHize

    Seeds dont pop up from soil

    I'm saying though, Let me give you some tips. I talk to my seeds from the minute I put em between the moist towel. I want them to know the sound of their daddy, im the nurturer. Its been scientifically proven that plants respond to the sound of music and being talked to, maybe its scared let it...
  10. NorthernHize

    1st time indoor grower

    don't worry about those leaves. if you had a problem its gone. The new leaves and growth are fine, move on knowing the plant is happy right now.
  11. NorthernHize

    How will I know when it's ready?

    whatever you do don't listen to the breeders time frame for harvesting. the plant will tell you when it should be harvested. RM3 wont steer you wrong.
  12. NorthernHize

    Opinions on Stink Sack Baggies

    I'm not trying to knock their product, I'm sure it woks well don't wunna start a war. Reynolds turkey bags for cooking in the oven also work really good.
  13. NorthernHize

    Seeds dont pop up from soil

    by now I would have dug it out to see what its problem was. I'm fucking impatient!
  14. NorthernHize

    DIY Stealth closest grow box.

    Well better and cheaper are usually not synonymous so I can't think of any. The vero's will serve you just fine, they also withstand and perform better if you happen to drive them a little harder.
  15. NorthernHize

    Seeds dont pop up from soil

    How deep down did you plant them?
  16. NorthernHize

    Need a quick lighting tip.

    Well spoken, you are no worse off than some of the CFL grows on here. With that being said you could spend a little extra on adding some cfl's for some supplemental light. Keep us posted. Keep doing research.
  17. NorthernHize

    It already smells

    I must admit never been a breeder or pollen collector so I will have to read up on it.
  18. NorthernHize

    Hood air intake temperature question

    I wouldn't try it. If the room is A/C controlled I would just put in a Y fitting so for those couple months you could draw air in from the room, or some such configuration.
  19. NorthernHize

    It already smells

    It probably did stink in veg. Funny story is that I had it vegging in my tortoise's enclosure. My girlfriend didn't even know but mentioned how the tortoise pen smelled different and thought maybe he was sick and had some foul shits or something. is it kinda makes sense. Perhaps this is a good...
  20. NorthernHize

    It already smells

    I took four clones