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  1. Farmer's Hat

    whorled phyllotaxy?

    Ive grown a few of these. They dont require any special treatment. Follow protocol: water, sun, nutes, etc.
  2. Farmer's Hat

    Basic breeding question.

    I would cross your AxB keeper, with another strain that is clearly showing a lot of recessive genes. Its the best way to preserve the phenotypes you like. If you inbreed your AxB keeper, it could go both ways. You might suppress the phenos you like, or you could get some plants that exhibit...
  3. Farmer's Hat

    The Marvel Universe

    I want to see a movie about the origin of apocalypse
  4. Farmer's Hat

    how much will my new clones yield?

    Mirrors? Dang... thats what ive been doing wrong.
  5. Farmer's Hat

    how much will my new clones yield?

    Boutta pound. Fertilize with urine to increase yields...
  6. Farmer's Hat

    Am I a bitch?

    Fuck him.
  7. Farmer's Hat

    Controversial Defoliation Increases Marijuana Yields

    Water with urine... it will increase your yield by about a pound.
  8. Farmer's Hat

    Noob needs advise on sick seedlings....

    Your main problem is the shitty soil. Next time buy something that is approved by seasoned growers... like fox farms. Its a great soil for noobs.
  9. Farmer's Hat

    need advice with my jedi kush

    One last thing... when you water it, use a whole gallon. Make sure the the soil is thoroughly watered. Then wait 5-6 days before you water it again. Good luck
  10. Farmer's Hat

    need advice with my jedi kush

    Im willing to bet that the cutting was not taken from the new fresh growth of the plant. Usually when a cutting is taken from the older growth of a plant, it takes longer for it to show that vigorous growth that is seen in clones that were taken from the fresh new growth. Anyways, cut back on...
  11. Farmer's Hat

    need advice with my jedi kush

    Where did you get the clone? I would contact that person, and ask them about the average size and yield of the plant. What to expect, etc. Also, how old is it? Was the cutting new and fresh, or was it kind of stiff and woody?
  12. Farmer's Hat

    need advice with my jedi kush

    I agree. Your potting mix might hold moisture really well. Watering every 2-3 days might be too much for that little plant. I would water it once every 5-6 days... for now. Wait until it gets bigger, then resume with your 2-3 day watering schedule.
  13. Farmer's Hat

    need advice with my jedi kush

    What kind of soil are you using? That plant looks sad, and unhealthy. It might just be some really shitty genetics. Is it a clone, or from seed?
  14. Farmer's Hat

    White Mites on my Ladies

    Raid... hahahaha! I feel sorry for you. Anyways, if the mites are not all over, your best option is to do some slight defoliating. Remove the leaves that are infested. If the infestation is bad... spray it down with something organic. (If the buds are dense, you will end up with bud rot. The...
  15. Farmer's Hat

    KrazyAnneBankz 2015 outdoor! IT'S A GIRL!

    I clone in a 2 liter bottle. Cut the bottle in half. Put some peat moss into the bottle. Dip your cutting into your rooting hormone, and stick it in the peat moss. Tape the top half of the bottle back on, and you should be good. Functions just like a dome. Incidentally, I am currently in LB. I...
  16. Farmer's Hat

    just starting lst

    that is interesting...
  17. Farmer's Hat


    I have that mutation in one of my strains. It wont affect anything. I have also seen a similar mutation, that produces both male and female calyxes in that same region. Keep an eye on it.
  18. Farmer's Hat

    auto breeding Question

    inbreeding can cause loss of vigor. You should buy some new auto seeds from a different strain, and cross it with your ak blueberry. Hybridizing a strain prevents loss of vigor. If you rarely smoke, I wouldn't worry about inbreeding. The chances of your strain becoming really shitty is...