ok well they looking horrible today man fuck :( my luck lol dad died n ever since my plants have just slowly got fuckn worse over past weeks fuck fuck fuck ! ok well i just got home from work fixing smoke and then come back all :) < happy..lets hope ill get some pics up here to...hopefully they...
Yeah I checked my runoff like week and half ago was like 5.3 so was putting 6.5 so roughly 5.8 maybe but it should be going back up by now ugh ill figure it out I fluffed up soil gonna see how they react to that and use regular tap water ph like 7.1 I think before I do anything to it . So I'm...
Good to know i just ordered 5 fem purp haze from g13 and 3 power kush from dinafem but in the freebies i got a cheese auto and a supercheese auto or something i need to learn about them :) thinking about throwing them in the attic by thereself :)
I wouldnt say stretching bad depnding strain lol....what kinda light you got now ??
lol blue dream / la confidential....being dream is 50/50 i mean they are looking alright haha im high
You wouldnt believe how fluffy it looks after doing that !!! Soil aint all the way dry even on top yet but it really fluffed things up...so now just let it dry up and go back to watering and should slowly show some healing ?
Yeah im def gonna squeeze the pots and try to loosen it up all around im order me some 2.5 or 3g square pots also though !!!! so i can transplant into those right around beginning of flowering instead of these 8" pots i got
that makes sense because first time i put them into it it was SUPER dense took forever to get water to drain to the bottom also first watering lol , the water just floated on top for a while n i will try that just continue to water normally ?
Yeah i wish someone else would come give some advice lol :( idk wtf i be doing so damn wrong haha that male one tho he still perfectly healthy so idk what i did wrong
I dont think so maybe 1 little spoon on base of each lol toook spoon you would eat cereal wit or somethn lol but maybe cuz they was kinda fresh into the FFOF at the time but who fuckn knows man :(
oh i did add some micro a while back thinking might have been def....so just continue to give PH'd water or what :( cuz i flushed the other week remember lol i think them coffee grounds really fucked sumn up man since they take weeks to really take full effect ya know breaking down over time :(
I have micro from the advanced nutrient micro grow bloom....I havent realy been using the nutes tho maybe i should just give them a all around 2ML per litre of each or something idk :(
Seems like i always read them wrong lol :( ughhhh