Babies been getting 1 hr of 850w light in middle of dark 12/12 cycle. Bo**ox

L O all,
My first post on here, sick of not being able to see pics, took 2 mins haha !! Stoned idiot !! Literally aswell, changed a 24hr timer for my lights abt a week ago n like a right idiot ive not changed back the timer pins when I used to have my extractor on in middle of night..
Most of my plants seem to have gone an extra stretch and none are showing signs of hermieing at all, no nana's nowt. Anyway could you kind stoners plz advise on whats my next plan of action as not to over stress...
Plants are in hydro, doing lovely just been a knob ))):
Theyre happy plants with me being quite anal abt ph and ec and doing things correctly. Always had very good results with my previous 7 grows and don't wanna screw this one up.
I'm presuming that putting them back on true 12/12 will turn them back and possibilby make them look raggety for a while, im hoping that the extra stretch (kandy kush gone mad) will just add to extra bud, but im also assuming that flowering time will prob take an extra couple of weeks.?? My fruit spirit was heavily packing out and most of the buds on this seem ok with only a few lower buds that now have seen the light seem to have a few extended reaching top bare tips.
Should I put into 24 hrs darkness ??? Or just continue on 12 / 12 ???
Cheers n appreciated !!IMAG0196_1.jpgIMAG0189.jpgIMAG0188.jpg
Cheers pal, Bout 5 days I think mate, I guess in nature there will be times of full moon etc when the light activates them but they still bud in time with the seasons.
Might lower to 13 off 11 on, simply as the Kandy Kush is growing back down off ceiling even with multiple attempts at lst / supercropping before the fuck up with the lights, so clearly predom sativa so that might need to have more darkness to flip back.
Just done full waterchange on all 3 small nft trays so no chance of stressing, may tomorrow give 24 hrs of darkness ??? Just to defo flip em back.. Will it totally bash their heads in and confuse em n poss hermie ??
Meant to be snowboarding second week in april... Could be a close call..!!