How to use and adjust PH?


My plants look bad (lots of yellowing), so I thought about buying a ph meter. Never used one and have no clue on what to buy. What would be the proper steps in doing this right? I was going to buy the best PH meter for under $60 ( Any suggestions would be great!), Buy some hydroponics PH up and down. Run my tap water, check PH, adjust up or down as needed, and keep it between 6.5 - 7.0. Then add to soil. Is this right and what brand of ph meter?


Well-Known Member
To check the pH of your tap water you pour so water in a glass, turn on your pH meter place it in the glass then wait a few seconds until you get a stable reading.

To check the pH of your soil, when you are watering your plants. You check the run off water(excess)


Active Member
When you buy your pH meter, make sure you get calibration fluid with it... You wanna calibrate your meter every 4-6 weeks so it stays accurate!


OK thanks for the info. Yeah I seen some of there prices and your right they are way to high. What ph meter do you have?