Search results

  1. PrometheanLeaf

    10.75' L x 5.5' W x 7.5' H

    Looking to size a Dehumidifier/Heater/Ac/Exhaust Pan (EC fan) for passive intake. Room as it is is unfinished and in the basement. I was just going to put 2" r9 ridgid foam insulation on all the walls/ceiling and figure out something with the floor that won't loose a lot of height. I'm looking...
  2. PrometheanLeaf

    Planned (2) 2x4 perpetual

    It more was about slowing veg down a bit and saving some watts. It also was just a way to try to not hormonally stress the plants as heavily since I was going to do an early flip. No real scientific need too. This is likely not the way I'm heading now as I'm looking into building out a room...
  3. PrometheanLeaf

    Nooooob HELP!

    You could be blasting them with too much light, too closely. They get sad if that happens, but it's honestly hard to say without knowing how far away and the type of panel. But yeah should be feeding... I'll dm you so I can help you further.
  4. PrometheanLeaf

    Nooooob HELP!

    You only need about 150 watts (from the wall) of top end led for that space to flower well. If you link the light it would help me better say
  5. PrometheanLeaf

    Nooooob HELP!

    What led for what size space?
  6. PrometheanLeaf

    Hi, first timer... has a lot of good educational material about soil/soil mixes. They also will help you try to find local products even if they aren't supplying it. Jeremy is a good dude.
  7. PrometheanLeaf

    Cob led light advise?

    You'd likely need 2 of them to get good levels in a 3x3 space (around 75% dimmed on both) for flower. A single fixture should veg the area spectacularly though. Like 15 minutes isn't a great amount of time for a bump though, normal forum etiquette is 24-48 hours... Just saying.
  8. PrometheanLeaf

    630 De cmh questions.

    A single 630 is covering an 8x8 that's Insane if you are. Which fixture is it?
  9. PrometheanLeaf

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    Amazon only product?
  10. PrometheanLeaf

    5x5 - What lights are you running?

    315 is a great veg light
  11. PrometheanLeaf

    Noob first room build check-up

    Yes that was it, thanks buddy. At some point I'll actually learn how to read Celsius without converting it to Fahrenheit lol
  12. PrometheanLeaf

    630 De cmh questions.

    A 315 will flower a 3x3 great, veg a 4x4. And a 630 cmh is a 4x4(mostly this)/5x5 flower area. Cmh is more efficient than hps and I like the spectrum. Hps costs more around here with decent parts and an ac.
  13. PrometheanLeaf

    Noob first room build check-up

    @coreywebster Can you throw down the ambient heat/watt chart, I really need to save that on this phone... rip. Also, I'm going to be honest here and say just grab the 320h-2100b driver and either install a potentiometer (rapid led has decent ones for under $10) or run it open at max all grow...
  14. PrometheanLeaf

    630 De cmh questions.

    @Lordhooha think I should pick up a 315 to veg them out a bit? Or go with a shade cloth for a couple weeks?
  15. PrometheanLeaf

    630 De cmh questions.

    What is the general hanging height in flower? If I started seeds under it and had it 7 ft away would it be too much? (My kWh cost is around 10 cents so a month of veg under hid won't kill me money wise. (And I can get it cheaper than an hps system here smh) I'm super new to cmh and double...
  16. PrometheanLeaf

    5x5 - What lights are you running?

    Only issue I'd see is the light intensity being so different between a cmh (24"- 36" hanging height) and eb strips (12" -22") I'd probably say cob type fixtures would fit more readily ran around veros / chiLed pucks/ qb 96 v2 engines. I'd think a 315 cmh in the center and 4-6 pucks each at...
  17. PrometheanLeaf

    Winter outdoor harvest in SoCal, is it possible?

    Make a pvc frame 'greenhouse woth some like 13 mm clear plastic sheeting and that should help keep temps up and some protection from cold rains/hail.
  18. PrometheanLeaf

    Is there such a thing as cheep seeds?

    Pretty much this here too
  19. PrometheanLeaf

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    @Stephenj37826 if I wanted to hang a single elite, what would be the best way?
  20. PrometheanLeaf

    Planned (2) 2x4 perpetual

    And the strips sold out, probably going to wait on more to be released. But looking at my options. Just wanted to throw out an update