630 De cmh questions.


Well-Known Member
What is the general hanging height in flower?

If I started seeds under it and had it 7 ft away would it be too much? (My kWh cost is around 10 cents so a month of veg under hid won't kill me money wise. (And I can get it cheaper than an hps system here smh)

I'm super new to cmh and double ended fixtures in general but it looks like I can get a good deal on them atm.

Any other info you think I should consider would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
What is the general hanging height in flower?

If I started seeds under it and had it 7 ft away would it be too much? (My kWh cost is around 10 cents so a month of veg under hid won't kill me money wise. (And I can get it cheaper than an hps system here smh)

I'm super new to cmh and double ended fixtures in general but it looks like I can get a good deal on them atm.

Any other info you think I should consider would be appreciated.
I had my up around that height and it was far too much until they got enough leaves to make use of the sheer power that thing pumps out.


Well-Known Member
i'm chiming in because im in the learning stages of lights too, should I go with cmh,or hps fixtures? so the way im understanding it is I would need a 315 cmh to start veg and then switch to a 630 to flower?


Well-Known Member
A 315 will flower a 3x3 great, veg a 4x4. And a 630 cmh is a 4x4(mostly this)/5x5 flower area.

Cmh is more efficient than hps and I like the spectrum. Hps costs more around here with decent parts and an ac.


Well-Known Member
A 315 will flower a 3x3 great, veg a 4x4. And a 630 cmh is a 4x4(mostly this)/5x5 flower area.

Cmh is more efficient than hps and I like the spectrum. Hps costs more around here with decent parts and an ac.
To note my 8x8 room is flooded with stupid light using a de 630. In those smaller spaces a 315 or get two 315’s so you can get more if and only if you think you need it. These cmh lights are pretty good.