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  1. L

    Fabric Vs Air Pots - My Take

    When starting out I had a hard time deciding, so I got both and looking back, this is what I would have found informative... Maybe someone else will. Indoors - I found that Fabric pots are the way to go. They are much easier to water. Much less messy as soil cant fall out or the air pots. The...
  2. L

    Gone Yellow

    This plant has had a rough go of it. It is a Green Crack, that I trained the shit out of to make it as small as I could. (Newbie central, making sure it fit my 2x4x5 tent). 2 seperate power outages of 48 hours or more, during early flower gave it a yellow tinge that never went away, and the...
  3. L

    Tops VS Yellow

    Does the number of times you top a plant, making more tops, effect how quickly a plant will yellow during flower?
  4. L

    Final Watering....

    And another question .... I have heard it both ways now on "48 hours of darkness" ... where do we land on that? Pros/cons?
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    Final Watering....

    My question is simple.. what state of "watering" should my plant be at when it gets chopped? Should I chop when my plant is dry and thirsty, watered this morning, or somewhere in between? Does it matter? I assume it will affect drying time?
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    Trichomes.. How do they look?

    Cant fricken wait.. then hopefully this holds me over for the next run. Straight sativa.. time to push the patience go its limits
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    Trichomes.. How do they look?

    You know that's right lol
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    Trichomes.. How do they look?

    It has definitely been a test of patience. Another week, then another 7-10 days of drying, then a month of cure... Waited this long. What's a little longer
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    Trichomes.. How do they look?

    I am thinking Friday will be the big night. Anybody see a reason to not chop Friday? That will be 10 full weeks since flip.
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    Trichomes.. How do they look?

    This is the light I used. I hit em with 2 of these. Here are some pics from today. Day #1 of week 10 (since flip)
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    Trichomes.. How do they look?

    My finish plan: They are due a watering tonight, so I'm going to give them a watering (2 days). Next watering (2 more days).. Then a watering and 2 days of darkness and fans. (I mention fans incase there is a reason I should not be fan aggressive or something). That puts me to a convenient day...
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    Trichomes.. How do they look?

    Update pics
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    Trichomes.. How do they look?

    No foxtailing that I have noticed, but I did notice the buds swelling yesterday
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    Trichomes.. How do they look?

    This is my first grow and obviously the first time I've had to watch something like trichs to know when to harvest.. these are from my 2 Blue Haze plants. They are certainly not clear anymore. What would seeing this on your plant tell you? What is it you see when you look at this...
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    Day 1 of week 8 (since flip)

    Middle of week #9 since flip trich pics
  16. L

    Mainlining my plants. How long should I veg?

    I was under the impression that you didnt just train your offshoots for a mainline, you topped repeatedly to designate energy to the new "tops" I thought you cut where I marked red and from the for remaining(blue arrows) you would do the same one more time to get your 8 tops. As for your...
  17. L

    High PH Water During Flush?

    If we flush to get nutes out of the plant before harvest, does PH of your water still matter? As I understand it, the worst thing that will happen if your PH is off is the plant will stop taking up nutes. Isnt that kind of the goal?
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    High Thoughts.....

    Have you tries octopots? Did they work well?
  19. L

    High Thoughts.....

    I get high and think alot, so if this is a fuckin stupid idea, just throw it out there lol.. Anyway, if you put half of the plants roots in a soil that gets feed and the other half of the roots get an area that gets water, would this benefit the plant or hinder the plant? What I mean is...