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  1. WeedKillsBrainCells

    Banned from Streamate for using sisters card

    I think we're gonna have to see some ID mr white knight
  2. WeedKillsBrainCells

    Banned from Streamate for using sisters card

    When exactly were you born again ?
  3. WeedKillsBrainCells

    wack start to the morning.

    What would op do if he came in the grow room and saw Jesse Jackson and nelson Mandela sitting down drinking tea?
  4. WeedKillsBrainCells

    men only vacation spots.

    Indeed. Is there a work-around? Male only island overlooking a hotties beach, and on our island are dozens of those telescopes they have at the beach. That way we get titties with no whining/unnecessary convo
  5. WeedKillsBrainCells

    Paranoid about vacation /:

    Do any of you catch a whiff of your armpits and think it smells of musky weed? It kinda distracts from the repulsion
  6. WeedKillsBrainCells

    wack start to the morning.

    There goes my cheery Canadian prejudice!
  7. WeedKillsBrainCells

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    props kinetic. im around that age and have got an 8yo bro and idiocy like that annoys the shit outta me. i put it down to them not having great enough relationships that they have to involve the world in their sad, crass entertainment
  8. WeedKillsBrainCells

    wack start to the morning.

    apparently nobody heres a very good troll if theyre getting mad over ops post. i mean he said broad head to the liver. funny shit! but this thread is shit now and to not know that is to be prey
  9. WeedKillsBrainCells

    One of the sick fuck's responsible for getting our genitals mutilated!

    we're practicing for a life of womens toilet chats.
  10. WeedKillsBrainCells

    wack start to the morning.

    Turns out 'fighting them over there' doesn't stop terrorism in our countries. Gee who would've thought. Still nice to have an excuse to steal oil and drone strike children.
  11. WeedKillsBrainCells

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Yeah crutches make so much sense to smoke with for exactly those reasons. And for real burned resin fingers ... How much can a book of cardboard roach be out there lmao, need to spread the word to your compatriots bro! And I saw that mug, that's IMMENSE. My first time in America I'm like...
  12. WeedKillsBrainCells

    Mobile site woes

    Is there anything that can be done to make it less tedious? I'm having to relogin pretty frequently because it doesn't seem to keep my cookies. Then when you are logged out it takes about 15 minutes to scroll down the seemingly endless list of forums just to login.
  13. WeedKillsBrainCells

    One of the sick fuck's responsible for getting our genitals mutilated!

    Hahaha consider it a break before we get right back on to clit removal! But yeah it is gross shit and sounds painful. They must not fap enough I never had that prob
  14. WeedKillsBrainCells

    Paranoid about vacation /:

    It's not like cigarettes so you shouldn't get that hard craving but it will be hard to sleep and a bit harder to stay entertained since you can laugh at anything when baked
  15. WeedKillsBrainCells

    Moving to the US

    Go see America before Kim Jung turns it into a crater. Just kidding he prly has cardboard nukes. Even Guams making fun of them
  16. WeedKillsBrainCells

    One of the sick fuck's responsible for getting our genitals mutilated!

    Unlikely considering the reaction I see most on this subjects is reds ^ Im offended for u bro. And yeh it's weird shit. ve never heard of a guy waking up here and saying hmm that extra 2mm bit of skin is getting in the way, I want some hairy dude to cut me up. Why would that even happen? Maybe...
  17. WeedKillsBrainCells

    One of the sick fuck's responsible for getting our genitals mutilated!

    Didn't quite get enough of a visual on mutilation from the other hundred posts but the last one cleared it up thanks. Good thing I don't eat in the morning I guess .
  18. WeedKillsBrainCells

    wack start to the morning.

    " i hate em all. my budy was like "hey they are smart, they wash their hands before eating". i winder what ms the point in washing up to eat garbage. i just hate errything about em." best part YOU GET EM BOY YEEEHHAAWWW
  19. WeedKillsBrainCells

    One of the sick fuck's responsible for getting our genitals mutilated!

    women have it pretty rough in that they perpetuate low self esteem in other women. I mean I saw an article in the paper today featuring many talented pretty women, but the article highlighted their veiny feet. Yes we are supposed to look at Jennifer Anniston etc and think yeh what an ugly bitch...
  20. WeedKillsBrainCells

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    Anyone else doing a pre 420 t break w me? I even have the weed ready. Who says stoners have no self control. Well we'll see if I still do in a couple days ;)