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  1. Jack Harer

    What deficiency is this?

    pH and ppms are important IF the OP is set up hydroponic. In soil, not so much.
  2. Jack Harer

    Should i flush ???

    First of all, turn off the HPS when taking pics. You'll get more accurate color rendition, and that's important when asking for a diagnosis. That said, no don't flush. It's kinda hard to tell, but it looks like a cal/mag issue. Many Sats and Sat Dom hybrids devour Ca and Mg in flower. I had the...
  3. Jack Harer

    What deficiency is this?

    Is this in the lower leaves or the new growth? How old are the plants? Are they in veg or flower? Are you in soil or Hydroponic? What are you using for nutes? And finally....without pics (good clear pics NOT under HPS) we can't tell squat with certainty.
  4. Jack Harer


    If it were ME (and it's not), I'd just add a tsp per gal of Epsom salts to my water and see if that doesn't straighten it out. Foliar feeding is a highly effective way to deliver nutes to a plant. Could be overkill in this case.
  5. Jack Harer


    IF you do in fact have a cal/mag issue, then yes by all means foliar feed. Be careful tho, Ca and Mg balance is delicate. an overabundance of one can lock out the other. Posting pics when asking for help is always the best course.
  6. Jack Harer

    Germination techinque

    I have no idea what it is about cannabis and growing that throws common sense out the window.
  7. Jack Harer

    Germination techinque

    Don't over-engineer this. The paper towel/ziploc baggie atop the fridge works very well, as does just poking the bean into a starter plug or soil. Use tap water. No benefit of using RO or distilled water, nor is there any benefit to "sterilization", as has been pointed out heating drives out...
  8. Jack Harer

    Home made reflector question

    White (Titanium White) is the most efficient reflector of light. If you have the means to get that jewel powder coated in Titanium White, you'll have a great reflector. Titanium White being optimal, but the whitest white you can get will be better than that polished surface for light reflection...
  9. Jack Harer

    Good free VPN server

    I found this new start up Co in the UK: that offers free VPN. It was fairly easy to set up, and the response from tech support was like lighting fast!! If you need a VPN (and we ALL need one here), I recommend these guys!!
  10. Jack Harer

    Has this idea been tossed around?

    Seemed like a good idea at the time while I was baked,...What do you think Sunni? Could it help here? Or waste of time?
  11. Jack Harer

    Has this idea been tossed around?

    I was over at the "shroomery", and came across this: and thought that it seemed like a good idea for this site. With all the mis-info being distributed, and the rep system being what it is, I thought that this may serve us well here...
  12. Jack Harer

    What's the music you wish you could forget ?

    Boy George. There's just some things ya can't unsee........... c9MdW8RISCI
  13. Jack Harer

    HELP!!! Rep+++++++

    AllenHaze, the necrosis Crispy is referring to would be necrotic tissue, and that wold be dead "Crispy" ;) tissue. It will not regenerate. Chlorotic tissue on the other hand is still viable and will regain it's color if what ever caused the chlorosis is corrected. I don't see the brown we're...
  14. Jack Harer

    Help me with My Blog

    57 and a masters, and STILL I can't ever get that right!!! Thanx!!! I just wish I could fix that header so that the text wouldn't run off the screen. I just recently have been able to devote some time to the blog, so it is still a work in progress. Their, now it's fixed. LOL
  15. Jack Harer

    HELP!!! Rep+++++++

    No worries man, I didn't think that at all. I'm intrigued as all hell now. Cant wait to see all the responses!! LOL
  16. Jack Harer

    South American grow

    Don't get me wrong here, I know a guy here who has a HUGE aquaponics setup for produce!! Google HATponics. I just don't like Tilapia!! BLEEAAH!!! Now Bass, Bluegill or Crappie and we're talking!!! Hell, even Oscars!!! Yep they're tasty.
  17. Jack Harer

    HELP!!! Rep+++++++

    The affected leaves in that pic appear to be yellowing. I have no idea what the color profile of the image you have gotten off the internet is, but color can be really hard to discern on a monitor.Chlorosis by definition is a lightening or yellowing of the leaves due to a lack of a nutrient...
  18. Jack Harer

    HELP!!! Rep+++++++

    OK, now we're talkin'. I thought my color profile was off. I DO see brown in there and I cant think thats any good. New growth is a nice bright lime green. I've never seen the brown in there before, I'm a lost ball in tall weeds on this one. I've found several refernces to "brown" chlorosis, but...
  19. Jack Harer

    Help me with My Blog

    New Entry..... Hope y'all agree.
  20. Jack Harer

    South American grow
