Should i flush ???


New Member
im going into my 6th week of flowering think its nute burn from what im told tricomes are cloudy should i start to flush of are they to far gone and cut them down ?CAM00543.jpgCAM00547.jpgCAM00548.jpgCAM00549.jpg


Well-Known Member
What are you feeding?
What are your RH/Temps at your canopy?
Have you been feeding it with a high bloom nute?
Are you giving it any "N" of the 'NPK'....

They are not that far gone... You have a couple of weeks to go...
IMO: Not nute burn...
Combo issue- RH a little low at canopy level [the area between lights and top of flower...]
caused your buds to dry a bit...
Also it is my guess that you have not fed with any N in the NPK ratios...

So, what did you change a week ago, or what happened 7-10 days ago?

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
First of all, turn off the HPS when taking pics. You'll get more accurate color rendition, and that's important when asking for a diagnosis.
That said, no don't flush. It's kinda hard to tell, but it looks like a cal/mag issue. Many Sats and Sat Dom hybrids devour Ca and Mg in flower. I had the same problem with a JH I grew out a few yrs ago. Give them either a cal/mag supplement or just add 1 tsp of Epsom salts per gallon of water and see if that helps. The necrotic tissue will not regenerate, but the new growth should look good.



Well-Known Member
Any chance they got too hot for a bit? Only takes a few minutes to cook them.

Otherwise looks like you grabbed the wrong spoon when measuring your nutes.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
YEP!! Get them some cal/mag or Epsom. And remember to supplement the cal/mag in flower if you keep running this cultivar.