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  1. Susanne

    small, colorless worm sticking leaves together on top of plant

    Yes, they're outside. I looked up budworms, and they didn't look like any of them, but How toyou get rid of them?
  2. Susanne

    Leaf Septoria? leaves more yellow than photo, and getting worse.

    (BTW, I have NO idea why the word photo is in the title, nor what I meant to put there, but I can't seem to edit it! ptthh!) My plants, growing outside, had been doing great this year, having less yellowing of leaves than ever before. I've fertilized it less than previous years, and I think that...
  3. Susanne

    small, colorless worm sticking leaves together on top of plant

    I have ONE plant that has several tops that where the leaves are stuck together. this morning, I finally found a very small brownish/tannish 1/2 inch worm with a black head crawling out from it *my camera won't take a sharp enough photo of something that small to tell what it is....**. The...
  4. Susanne

    I ruined my beautiful, green girls trying to kill bugs!

    Lesson learned. And, they're already recovering, so at least I didn't panic after I saw them up close. But, it sure was a shock to see the brown instead of green!
  5. Susanne

    I ruined my beautiful, green girls trying to kill bugs!

    This year, I had the most beautiful plants I've ever had! Not a yellow leaf in sight at 2 1/2 months! I was so elated. Going out to the grow site was a pleasure, until yesterday. Monday, I fertilized them for the first time (but, this didn't do it). They were put in Fox Farm fertilizer, which...
  6. Susanne

    how to kill large caterpillars on small plants (not in buds)

    those are BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!! What's the strain? just curious. I grow for medicinal
  7. Susanne

    how to kill large caterpillars on small plants (not in buds)

    Thanks, we have a Home Depot near where my husband will be tomorrow. He can stop by and get it then.It looks like it'll work just fine.
  8. Susanne

    how to kill large caterpillars on small plants (not in buds)

    what's BT? Thanks. BTW, it's an outside grow ;). sure appreciate your quick response!
  9. Susanne

    how to kill large caterpillars on small plants (not in buds)

    I've searched the forum for this, but can only seem to find how to kill worms in buds, not early in the season on VERY small plants with Very large caterpillars. We've had these in the trees all my life in the spring and have used Malathion to kill them. When saw these, I immediately thought of...
  10. Susanne

    Soil question

    Looks like I'm going to be springing for some new soil after all. My poor hubby won't be happy to know he has to lug out all those bags to the grow site once again :razz:. He doesn't even use it! Neither of us get "high" anymore, but I used cannabis for medical purposes..... nausea, pain and...
  11. Susanne

    Soil question

    thanks. I like that idea. It's expensive to buy so much. I'll check out the Organics forum and Outdoor growing forum next. thanks again!
  12. Susanne

    Soil question

    I posted this under "do it yourself", and not getting responses, so if you think you're seeing double, you are :p. (It's not worded the same). I figured maybe I'd get more in the general population ;). In 2015, I planted 10 pots with new soil (don't remember what kind), and had good luck with...
  13. Susanne

    Soil question

    that's really nice for you
  14. Susanne

    Soil question

    I always grow outdoors. thanks, though. I just want to know if I can use the same soil from last year, or need to get fresh.
  15. Susanne

    Soil question

    I need to know if I need to start with new soil each year. In 2015, I started with new soil in 15 gal pots. I didn't plant in 2016, and 2017, I used the same pots/soil. Even with nutrients, I had severe problems. I also over fertilized, so I don't know if it was the soil to begin with (the...
  16. Susanne

    ok, how could I go wrong with a hair straighener?

    @The Dawg, did the clamp work? Also, how large (size) is the press? and how much does it cost?.... It'll be worth it to me to pay for good rosin since I use it every night, but up to a point :p. Also, @redivider, I checked Youtube first. They're just using a straightening iron on a lot of them...
  17. Susanne

    ok, how could I go wrong with a hair straighener?

    I've also got two more strains I can try. I'll give those suggestions try, too. thanks!
  18. Susanne

    ok, how could I go wrong with a hair straighener?

    Hmm, stand on it? I can try it & see if I don't break the straightener. I don't see how it could be too hot...... Wouldn't it still leave some resin?
  19. Susanne

    Bubble hash or wax? which is better to make?

    @Joint Monster , I think that's a good idea to make the fan push the fumes away, and not through the fan :lol:!
  20. Susanne

    Bubble hash or wax? which is better to make?

    @Joint Monster , I don't mind only getting a small amount from pressing. You only use a 1 gm bud at a time anyway. I watched the videos, and they just pressed with their body weight. I know I'm not very strong, nor do I weigh much, but I thought I'd at least get a small amount, but I got...