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  1. Jack Harer

    Contradict Much?...HC QAP Training Requirements.

    I had to get a certificate of competency ($90 fee) to renew my business license years ago. That would usually involve paying the fee, taking a test and walking away being able to prove my competency. Come to find out, there WAS NO TEST to determine my competency in my line of work, so the clerk...
  2. Jack Harer

    I'm troubled by mean people on this forum

    Not really... they hate us because for the most part we're arrogant. Been all over Europe, and didn't find one country who liked us for anything other than our dollar.
  3. Jack Harer

    High PH signs, symptoms and correcting...Pictorial!! A must read for newb'z

    I just can't resist one more post, then I'm done. Your 3 situations (OK, 4) that will change the pH are, of course accurate. They will eventually change the pH. But they are not even valid situations, because NOBODY in their right mind would do any of those things except water with tap water...
  4. Jack Harer

    I'm troubled by mean people on this forum

    Zo, I couldn't agree more. I thought the same thing when I first joined a forum. You have growers (or potential growers) of all experience levels, and everyone of them giving advice as gospel. I devastated my first 2 crops trying to decipher or sort out all of the conflicting information...
  5. Jack Harer

    High PH signs, symptoms and correcting...Pictorial!! A must read for newb'z

    Dude, when it appears that the whole world is wrong, and only you have the correct answers, it just MIGHT be time to re-evaluate your paradigm. Get your GED, then go back to Chemistry 101, Biology 101, and Botany 101. Study hard, then come back and tell folks they are wrong. Don't get half the...
  6. Jack Harer

    High PH signs, symptoms and correcting...Pictorial!! A must read for newb'z

    No Sir, not one problem due to pH lock out. In fact, my soil pH doesn't vary. I learned to test the soil pH just before using it, and get it right before the plants get in it. Once the soil pH is set it is all but impossible to change in a short period, and and I've never seen it drift more than...
  7. Jack Harer

    Money Laundering: How to?

    Start a business, one that is predominantly a cash oriented one, and keep accurate records of your "sales" and deposits. Pay taxes on it. That is a WAY oversiplification, but it's how I handle things. You don't have to name your customers anything other than "cash sale" in your records (unless...
  8. Jack Harer

    High PH signs, symptoms and correcting...Pictorial!! A must read for newb'z

    Sativa Indica Pits, sorry for this breif hi-jack, but I gotta ask dude a question. YeahBUBBA, just how did you check the pH of your soil thru the soil/roots? Did you make your own soil or is that store bought? If you made your own, and WAY overdid the lime, yes I can see a pH of 9. And if the pH...
  9. Jack Harer

    Wheres the potency???

    You are never SOL, you learned something!! At least you know you can do it!! Just start supplementing cal/mag when you flip them next time. especially if you run the same "strain". Good luck.
  10. Jack Harer

    Rabbit Manure Teas?

    Brimck, it really is!!! MH, replace that bat guano with bunny poo. Bat guano is WONDERFULLY fertile stuff, but has way too many associated health risks involved for me.
  11. Jack Harer

    Rabbit Manure Teas?

    No, you're right. If the poo comes from parts unknown, by all means compost it if in doubt. Given the fact that bunnies eat almost exclusively alfalfa (and succulent greens), unless the living conditions of the rabbits is deplorable the manure should be safe and pathogen free. But again, better...
  12. Jack Harer

    what's up with my leaves?

    Give them cal/Mag, and watch the new growth. The dead tissue won't regenerate, but new growth will look good. I started supplementing cal/mag at the beginning of flowering as a prophylaxis, and haven't had that issue since!
  13. Jack Harer

    Rabbit Manure Teas?

    I do compost some of it, and add some straight poo to the soil as well. But I've been using straight poop (bunny) for a good while without probs, and I know the health of the source rabbits and the cleanliness of their living conditions. Would I discourage anyone from composting it? NOPE!!! I...
  14. Jack Harer

    Rabbit Manure Teas?

    Good point Stow. I have never worried about that (to be quite honest, I never thought about that :shock:), and I've never had issues, but you are 100% right. Pathogens are a real possibility if you don't know the source of the manures.
  15. Jack Harer

    what's up with my leaves?

    The shit starts out at the leaf margins, affecting the tips of the serrations at first. Within a week it looks like this: There is no "fading out", or chlorosis that would give one time to react, all at once the leaves turn crispy and brown at the margins and spreads into the leaf the further...
  16. Jack Harer

    Moving w/Felony conviction

    Sometimes that can be even worse.....there is a felony there, but no explanation. Very rarely does a prospective employer look at the totality of circumstance, only the felony conviction.
  17. Jack Harer

    what's up with my leaves?

    Yep, get 'em some calmag quick.
  18. Jack Harer

    Rabbit Manure Teas?

    My bad, sorry. That was an assumption on my part. And I have been wrong before. (lemme see...was that back in '87 or '88?) LOL.
  19. Jack Harer

    Rabbit Manure Teas?

    Yeah, I been thru this one before. I'd have thought for sure that the 3lb crew would have known better than that. Rabbit poo is not hot at all, and can be used straight out of the rabbit. The NPK of it is great for both phases, P being much more available with bunny poo than many other sources...
  20. Jack Harer

    hurt feelings..think i might quit

    Like I said, where the hell were ya?? LOL. Sounds like a small price to pay to move forward. You gonna be fine. Hang around, lots of knowledgeable people here willing to help those who help themselves. You'll fit in just fine 'round here.