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  1. Jack Harer

    Plant anatomy

    Good Job there Dannyboy!!
  2. Jack Harer

    Rabbit Manure Teas?

    Spicy, when you make a tea from the pellets, the dross isn't depleted. It makes a great top dressing or soil amendment. Check yer in box. I'm sending you a link to my cloud vault. let me know if you already have this book. Sorry about the brief hijack.....
  3. Jack Harer

    Plant anatomy

    Online course in plant physiology: If you need the text book, let me know.
  4. Jack Harer

    Rabbit Manure Teas?

    No man, you can use bunny poo a whole lot of ways. I dry mine and sorta roughly grind it up (out of the "pelletized" form) and mix it in when I mix my soil. Along with kelp, EWC and a Wee bit of bone meal. It can also be top dressed in like that. Of course take the pellets and make teas, but the...
  5. Jack Harer

    Still cant figure out the problem

    The Ca/Mg relationship is complicated. Plants need Ca to assimilate Mg and vice versa. But too much of one will lock out the other. I try and keep a balance between Ca and Mg when supplementing, but some times you just gotta go for the Mg with whats on hand. One or 2 shots of Epsom has never...
  6. Jack Harer

    Using GA3 to keep an auto from flowering until you want

    Looks like some learnin' getting ready to happen 'round these parts!
  7. Jack Harer

    Still cant figure out the problem

    True, but Epsom is an emergency stop-gap measure until cal/mag can be had. I've learned to go with the fact that most folks don't have any on hand when shit hits the fan.
  8. Jack Harer

    Still cant figure out the problem

    That's a cal/mag issue no doubt!! The crispy brown tissue won't come back, but the new growth will be fine. Get them some Epsom salts at 1 tsp per gal.
  9. Jack Harer

    entire family spiked/drugged @ christmas lunch

    I own whats left of a house at the corner of White and Olivia. I used to have friends off 7th & Fogarty!! Small world.
  10. Jack Harer

    Texas officer killed drug raid

    Problem shoot and kill one of them, you'll be lucky to make it to court, and if you do you will be charged with murder. If THEY kill you by mistake, it's Oh shit, sorry 'bout that! And no repercussions to speak of.
  11. Jack Harer

    Transplanting question please help me out as soon as possible

    MG is OK for a well established plant. NOT optimal by any means, but it has been done successfully too many times for me to argue against it.
  12. Jack Harer

    entire family spiked/drugged @ christmas lunch

    Yup!!! But some of the mental imagery is quite disturbing. Good thing I'm from Key West. I've seen a lot of depravity. Some things you just can't unsee..........Brrrrr
  13. Jack Harer

    Texas officer killed drug raid

    That's why I like ya Rak! You're one in a million! That's spot on about the sheeple. Remember Pogo? We have met the enemy, and he is us!!!
  14. Jack Harer

    entire family spiked/drugged @ christmas lunch

    Had to be fake. NOBODY admits to seeing gramps wrap his willy like a hot dog or watch gramma smoking blunts out of her netherparts..... Some things you just don't talk about even if they really did happen.......
  15. Jack Harer

    Transplanting question please help me out as soon as possible

    For the time being it's gotta be better for your seedling than MG
  16. Jack Harer

    Transplanting question please help me out as soon as possible

    I would NOT put a seedling into MG soil. It's USUALLY too hot for seedlings. It has time release fertilizers in it that are all but impossible to remove. You're better off getting a basic no frills potting soil with no nutes added. Kinda hard to find at Lowes or Home Depot these days
  17. Jack Harer

    help please!!!!!!!

    Do not use the sand infused with calcium carbonate. It's all but impossible to fuck up the pH in soil, thats one sure way to do it! Calcium Carbonate = Lime.
  18. Jack Harer

    Will Yellowing & Deficient Leaves Turn Green Again?

    Give the affected plants a "LIGHT" dose of N, either blood meal or fish emulsion. They look chlorotic to me, and it's just those affected plants, so thats telling me there is a difference in nutritional requirements between phenos. Which is why I love growing out clones that I have dialed in. It...
  19. Jack Harer

    is this setup okay as far as lights and stuff

    Yes. Put them all under it on 24 hrs of light, or 18/6.