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  1. psychedelictripper

    How Am I Doing? 6' Tall And Crazy Pix's.

    Hope for 20 it's still Saturday night...somewhere....;)
  2. psychedelictripper

    How Am I Doing? 6' Tall And Crazy Pix's.

    Lots of on-lookers
  3. psychedelictripper

    McPurps Point to Prove Grow

    Skip the composted(you hope) manure(with no diseases..hope you're going to pick up those fingernails). Summer is still on but in a month or 2 you can start thinking about sowing green manure. Green manure is a cover crop(usually an annual) you plant in the fall and till in the spring. in colder...
  4. psychedelictripper

    1st Time Growing

    Sticky traps can capture beneficial insects, definitely a no no. It also deprives beneficial birds of nourishment. You can get some summer weave grow cover to cover plants. They don't call it weed for nothing it is much hardier than most things growing about you. A "weed" plant needs very little...
  5. psychedelictripper

    How Am I Doing? 6' Tall And Crazy Pix's.

    That is huge! As for taking clear pictures of small objects, you'll want to use either a macro lens or the macro setting on your camera. Then you'll want to use a tripod. If the tripod and camera are very light you might want to set the timer to cut down on shakes. That's what causes the blur...
  6. psychedelictripper

    If I plant a Germinated Seed right now....will it produce a yield

    You need to get them germinated as fast as possible. So soaking seeds and giving whatever seed starting formula you use bottom heat is crucial. The next thing is you've got to get them growing fast. I have no idea where you are but assuming it's the middle of summer where you are there will be...
  7. psychedelictripper

    greenhouse? anyone used this one greenhouse

    Making your own green house with some sort of grow cover and either pvc or steel piping would be cheaper. Humidity can be a problem though so air flow(as mentioned) is crucial. However look at the cold frame or high tunnel green house this way; 1) you plant earlier 2) harvest later 3)...
  8. psychedelictripper


    Making moonshine or poitin(where it comes from)is a bit tricky. If done wrong you can kill yourself or have your still blow up. Now that still gives government no right to tell someone what they should or should not do. These high alcohol % drinks can make you go blind but since when does the...
  9. psychedelictripper

    Fox Farm Open Sesame light dependent?

    Oh I'm talking outdoors. The bottle and website basically say when it starts to flower but then again as the name suggests the high level of phosphorus promotes flowering. This is not a new trick. I just basically need to know if I need to break the light schedule as well? I'd rather they...
  10. psychedelictripper

    Fox Farm Open Sesame light dependent?

    They were feminized seeds btw. I suppose another question is it okay to "Open Sesame" right now? Will they finish faster? I'm assuming yes but worry the light cycle will inhibit proper finishing unless they are covered.
  11. psychedelictripper

    Fox Farm Open Sesame light dependent?

    If Open Sesame is applied before the 12/12 light cycle what will happen? Will it; a) go into flowering b) do nothing until the light is right c) start flowering and maybe go back to vegetation? I really don't know the answer to this and would appreciate input from those have used...
  12. psychedelictripper

    Legalization Predictions

    I wouldn't characterize Massachusetts as being a strong candidate because of the wishy-washy-ness of the bill(various) sponsors. You have the Rep. Story who is championed but I wonder if anyone has ever heard her talk about her outlook. She is strictly motivated by $$$, believing if they tax and...
  13. psychedelictripper

    Have police confiscated the house of anyone?

    The day cops, feds etc are trusted to follow law is the day the fences become visible. There's a whole lot being assumed. For one people there's the assumption you'll have a chance to defend yourself. Watched yet another video last night cop home invasion and guy shot to death unarmed. Then...
  14. psychedelictripper

    LEDs Anyone? Advise Please

    I think it really depends on a person's situation. Not everyone can or would dare start hanging illuminated hairdryers(HPS, MH etc)in confined places. Got your sprinklers? Then there's the electricity bill which could trigger suspicion. LED are unproven until you try for yourself. That's what...
  15. psychedelictripper

    Operation Finally Legalize It!

    I agree that it shouldn't be over complicated. It's illegal so government can say look we're needed to protect you. I mean look at a lot of the proposals to tax it. That is completely ridiculous. Who in their right mind is going to pay a tax on top of the already high price? That's government...
  16. psychedelictripper

    Sannies order take how long?

    That ship time I would have liked. Like I've said I know for a fact Priority over the big pond is 4-7 days. It's just that customs thing I worry about as well as any other potential form of "theft".
  17. psychedelictripper

    Sannies order take how long?

    yeah, 1 plant produces how many seeds? It's a win win situation for the breeder. Highly competitive field I imagine because you're often competing for the moment. Many people grow outside so that can narrow the window of chance.
  18. psychedelictripper

    Can I grow With TopSoil??

    Don't use top soil in a container. The roots will be compacted. By adding water you'll pretty much be creating cement. You want the roots to be able to breath. Top soil will choke them. As others said go to Lowes or Home Depot. I noticed the latter now carries Pro Mix(several forms).
  19. psychedelictripper

    Sannies order take how long?

    Yeah that's what i heard too and one of the reasons I chose him.
  20. psychedelictripper

    Sannies order take how long?

    Thanks Wyte Berry Widow. I'm sure it's already in the country. It's that customs thing I worry about.