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  1. psychedelictripper

    How Can We Force Society To Accept Medical Marijuana Use?

    I'm not underestimating them. The idea is a public stance against them. Clothing is not the only thing. How about rope for example. Almost all rope is made out of plastic. Where is that? Some town in the deep south that has toxic waste swamps? Hemp makes very nice rope. Since it can be grown...
  2. psychedelictripper

    How Can We Force Society To Accept Medical Marijuana Use?

    There are a lot of misconceptions that need to be looked at. Up until fairly recently the only reason I never Smoked pot was because smoke is very bad when you have asthma. Thanks to America's love affair with cars and pollution a whole lot of people have respiratory illnesses. It's always smoke...
  3. psychedelictripper

    The Real Reason Marijuana Is Illegal

    Pot is a cat and mouse game on the surface. If it were legal a lot of cats would be out of a job. It gets worse for the criminals(government/corporations). If people discover how marijuana is significantly less harmful compared with booze yet yields similar pleasurable effects not to mention the...
  4. psychedelictripper

    Bills filed for Massachusetts.

    There's another bill that calls for the taxation and regulation. The part I don't understand is if they're selling licences for cultivation(non commercial). I think people need to put the pipe down when it comes to selling the idea this will make states rich. The only logical thing is to cut...
  5. psychedelictripper

    OK What Now?

    I was under the impression this would pass. However I like many others probably underestimated the opposition. Not from CA but I'm sure the boobtube was full of ads opposing MJ. You know things like "in studies it was found marijuana was a gate way drug to sanity"? Seriously though I imagine...
  6. psychedelictripper

    Can a weed plant live in 40 degree weather?

    They can definitely survive 40 degrees. They survive light frosts too. They meaning cannabis in general. Yours might not tolerate the cold as well as an older plant that has experienced those conditions in the spring. They remind me of peppers. Peppers can really be damaged if placed outside in...
  7. psychedelictripper

    Plant thieves!

    You need to give those kids something to think about. Try seeing if your hardware store has any signs that say "video surveillance". You can set up a false camera if you have something. Why you can even make something that looks like a camera(box and a tube). Definitely get your webcam on the...
  8. psychedelictripper

    Outdoor plant died..what happened?

    It's hard to tell with the picture not showing enough of the disease. If it were an airborne fungus the leaves with resin on them would have been 1st hit or at least hit as well with the stem. If it's just the stem get a razor blade and slice it open and see if you find and worms or some sort of...
  9. psychedelictripper

    New Pics! Let me know what you think.

    America the beautiful with it's emerald waves of bud, purple flower'ing majesty when one takes out the male cuds...America America where god makes the best weed, with tender loving cultivation you never get seeds
  10. psychedelictripper

    rippers i want to go hunting now help me plz

    Maybe they were gay stoners? ;) lol
  11. psychedelictripper

    frost advisory! worried

    It's in the woods, right? Lots of leaves around? I'm trying to suggest something that wont reveal your spot.
  12. psychedelictripper

    Wondering about weather getting cold in mass

    2 years ago frost came early 3 weeks from now. If you're not nearly ready to finish now you have to think about stretching the season just in case. That may require ordering something. All we've got to go by is an unreliable 10 day forecast. There have been frosts in September here before. You...
  13. psychedelictripper

    frost advisory! worried

    Yeah don't add to the buds. I really can't think of anything else that would stay warm. I'm not saying this is the perfect solution but as you said covering and uncovering could be tedious. You could try to get some green greenhouse cloth and just make a make shift green house with 3 or 4 long...
  14. psychedelictripper

    frost advisory! worried

    Can you bring them some fresh grass clippings? They give off a lot of heat. You could mound the bases. In Florida they spray the citrus groves with water before a frost. Don't know how well that would protect MJ.
  15. psychedelictripper

    Wondering about weather getting cold in mass

    Grow row covers work pretty well but you really have to tuck them in. Clear plastic invites problems because it doesn't breathe. This is grass season in more ways than one. Cut the grass or anything green. If you can make a tee pee place the fresh nitrogen rich grass clippings around the plant...
  16. psychedelictripper

    Wondering about weather getting cold in mass

    Last year there were a few cold dates before that 17th date. Frost dates are never exact. The idea is to keep a watch on the weather so you can protect just in case you need a few more days to finish. When a plant is subject to cold temps it has to recover which might delay the process. There's...
  17. psychedelictripper

    hows my plant doing?lol

    Submit that photo to Better Homes & Gardens.
  18. psychedelictripper

    Is 5 gallon bucket enough?

    I read also that they have a wider root base. I wonder how they compare with Blue Berries? Blue Berries have shallow roots so you need a wide container to grow them. Smart Pots make some wie ones I believe. Definitely don't skimp below. A small pot is like bad shoes too small for your feet you...
  19. psychedelictripper

    Wondering about weather getting cold in mass

    Still in the 50's at night that takes me past the equinox on the long range forecast. Raining right now. I think October will turn cool very fast. It's been a relatively dry Summer save for a few big storms. Last year there were a few cold days at the beginning of Oct. I think now is the time to...
  20. psychedelictripper

    Is 5 gallon bucket enough?

    If you don't have an ideal sunny location an in between size is the solution. That way you can easily move the plants around to get more sun. This is providing you have some privacy to do so. I was thinking of growing a few in a garden cart with lot of camouflage from hardy vines, flowers etc...