Javadog's Next Adventure


Well-Known Member
It looks like my Dog has balls too:

No worries. I will pop a new Dog when the sex is confirmed.



Well-Known Member
I have 2 confirmed males and 2 confirmed females.
I put the males outside to stop pollen from reaching the girls.
Trying to decide how to collect the pollen.
I wish I had a Dog male right now, as I would pollinate 1 bud on one on the Bitches (female Dog)for some more beans.
I still might cross the Skunky Monkey to a Dog just to get a Dog cross that I havent heard of anyone doing yet.


Well-Known Member
Well, I cannot go out into the backyard.

So, I think that I will be trying indoors.

I am thinking of placing some workable material as
a "floor", wrapped around the base of the plant, together
with a cone formed from a sheet of paper (or cardboard).
Aluminum foil ought to do fine.

I could even put a terry cloth cover over it. This would be
more to prevent air currents from circulating through the device,
and not to "filter" pollen grains. (I expect that they are too small)

Does this sound reasonable?

Thanks for the time team.



Well-Known Member
Well, I cannot go out into the backyard.

So, I think that I will be trying indoors.

I am thinking of placing some workable material as
a "floor", wrapped around the base of the plant, together
with a cone formed from a sheet of paper (or cardboard).

I could even put a terry cloth cover over it. This would be
more to prevent air currents from circulating through the device,
and not to "filter" pollen grains. (I expect that they are too small)

Does this sound reasonable?

Thanks for the time team.

I have heard of paper on pot with a slit to manuver around stem.
No fan and hopefully they drop on paper, and paper on floor as well.
I am thinking plastic around mine to keep wind from catching them and plastic floor as well.


Well-Known Member
Yeah....males just go balls out when it suits their purposes to do so. Hairs will show on the females in the meanwhile.

LOL, of all the regular beans that I popped last month (and you all saw...there were 10-20 breeds) I have only one confirmed sex.

It was a nice Cheese Surprise female.

I want to make seeds if possible.



Well-Known Member
4x4 tent flowering pics
Random strains in here and pics of Rascal OG 36" tall and flowered at 18" after 12 days 12/12 and still going


Well-Known Member
LOL, no worries. My people will enjoy the view. :0)

I know about the stretch. I know that it totally affected
how well my last crop was able to mature. I just could
not really spread the light around once they jammed up.

I think that I did better this crop. The Cannaventure Mothers
Mix and the Somango are big, but not too big. They should
produce...and the Blue Dream is giving them a run for them
money, and this with a week less in the tent.

Take care,



Well-Known Member
I just hope that My stretch is over lol, but I know it prolly isnt.
The Rascal is a few inches taller than the Mango Hazes somehow.
The tallest Haze is 34.5" shortest 32.5" (Theres 3 of them and just the one rascal OG)
The Alien OGs are like 8-12" shorter and are always looking over or under fed.
I am not a good enough grower to make them happy, and wont be growing them again.
They actually look ok on new growth after a 50% strength watering used as a flush.


Well-Known Member
Smoking this Kosher Kush:

It does not have that much flavor, but this bud was
rushed just a bit on the cable box.

It is quite strong. Fuely.



Well-Known Member
Thanks Bass.

I am seeing some nice stuff setting up on the big Somango:

I really enjoyed smoking this bud, and am happy that I saved
the genetics. I have other mothers saved as well.
