Javadog's Next Adventure


Well-Known Member
you make me want to order the kosher! i hope u pulled a nice fuel pheno of some sort. quick dry sample bud looks frosty as hell!!


Well-Known Member
I forgot when the Somango started 12/12??

My hazes and the OG all grew another, inch last night now 2" from light lol.

How far into flower is it still worthwhile to take cuts to root?
I always do this lol....


Well-Known Member
Thanks GD. It smokes very fuely. Very strong.

This crop is all so face melting that I am having a hard
time differentiating strength. The tastes vary, with the
SWOG being the skunkiest so far. I will be jarring the
OG Kush tomorrow and the OG #18 right after it.

The current Crop already has two weeks on it tomorrow,
so I expect some crazy growth in the next couple of weeks.

This Crop I have decided to try using the same four large
stakes per bucket, but I will be draping a small sheet of
netting over each plant, attaching it to the stakes.

I also added three hours to this cycles "night" so as to
shift the cycle to run on from 10 PM to 10 AM. This will
give me more time in the morning to work on the plants.

Take care,



Well-Known Member
Looks like we started flowering around the same day
I changed the timers at night on the 15th I believe.

I got some OG 18 beans from a friend on the forum, and I thy didnt pop for me.
Super disappointed, but Ill try again and order some.


Well-Known Member
Yup, my notes show the 16th as Day #1

I failed to get a clone of my OG #18, so this is it for now.

I am excited to be starting many cool BB and TGA breeds
for the next crop.

I seem to be waiting a long time for them to sex, but this
gives me time to figure out how to deal with the males.

Good luck!



Well-Known Member
A flowering clone? Yes. I have not gotten one to re-veg yet,
but if I will try again. I am sure that my Burpee Tray will rock
one for me. The trouble with very slow rooting clones, for me,
is that I will eventually over-water it. It is hard not to, even once,
for the weeks that this can take.

For the plants in the tent right now, I got clones before they went in,
and then again right after. The CVMM is interesting. One is a
very strong Vegger and, like Somango, needed to be wound around
its bucket.

The other two CVMM plants intrigue me. They were horrible to clone.
They are both showing some purpling.
They both have the slow grow that I have seen in both purples,
PurpleBerry and Purple Wreck.

I wonder how they will finish.

The lights just came on and I am going to feed the ladies tonight.

I now have a hand pump and siphon and the huge saucers, so I will
be feeding until I see some run off.

Take care,



Well-Known Member
The clones I have flowering now were taken from flowering plants outdoor, but what a PITA it can be!
Some (half) wouldnt root, and some never wanted to revert back to veg even after 6 weeks of 18/6 or 24/0

I might still take a few.
I would have sooner, but was hoping for lots of female beans, and got 2 and 14 non-popped or boys


Well-Known Member
Coolio. I have heard that they can be finicky.

I really want to run my Veg areas at 18/6 I run more than 300W now
and need to control costs.

I fed/watered the ladies tonight, taking the time to snap a few shots.

I am clearing out lower growth too. These babies are going to stuff the tent.

This photo of two of the CVMM plants show one of the purples next
to the one that Vegged strong:
The Vegger is on the left. The slower Veggers seem to be picking up in flower.
It is weird though, as the other purple is one of those plants where the leaves
start off kinda wrinkled....then they seem to inflate and get normal over time.

Here is the other purplish CVMM:
It is very healthy. These four plants (see Somango below) got a
very strong Veg period.

The Somango:

I sprayed the Lemon Thai Kush down, very well/both sides
of all leaves, with Kapow! tonight:
This is an insect and mold preventative.

Girl Scout Cookies started off extremely spindly, and it still is,
but it is getting much better:

Chemdog is very solid. It should do well:

Take care,



Well-Known Member
Well, it seems that the PB-BX clone that I had maintained was from one
of the beans that turned out male.

I was looking over the Veg area when I saw this:

Take a closer look:


I am going to put this outside as a first male pollen taking test.


P.S. I should add that this marks the end of the wonderful looking
PurpleBerry BX from Cannaventure. I knew that this was not my
three-cotyledon'ed male, and thought that it was my female, but
it turns out to have come from the other male that I popped.


Well-Known Member
Sorry about that unexpected male!
I hope I accidentally took clones from my Dog#2 fem instead of the Dog#1 fem since that the better pheno IMO.


Well-Known Member
I get this impression. This must be why they are special
when identified. (I think that Blue Dream is the current
"exciting blue thing" ;0)



Well-Known Member
I up-potted 18 Leeks, 7 Bok Choy, and a few others in the garden today.

I am doing a much better job this year, my first full cycle, as a good
garden in the Spring and Summer requires that one is prepping in the
Fall and Winter.

I have added a pair of Kiwis, Blackberry, Raspberry, and Blueberry by
ordering live plants. I got Strawberries from seed and an Alpine Strawberry
until I lost the seeding. I will re-try all my berry seeds again this year.

I have gotten very good at planting use Celery and garlic. One should only
have to buy these once! The died up little cloves and the butt of the Celery
will jump out of the soil if you plant them.

Take care,



Well-Known Member
I havent done well with strawberries, I guess it has to do with using a regular pot though as they always rot.

I am jealous of all the fresh fruit/veg u r growing.
I didnt do anything this year except tomatoes that came from dropped ones last yr.


Well-Known Member
I love the "tomato weeds".

I found a tiny forest of tomato sprouts and when I dug at
its base I found that they had all sprouted from the same
dropped cherry tomato.

I transplanted it into a beer cup, and just yesterday into a tub.

We will see how it goes, as it is root-crazy, but might expand successfully.



Well-Known Member
I love the "tomato weeds".

I found a tiny forest of tomato sprouts and when I dug at
its base I found that they had all sprouted from the same
dropped cherry tomato.

I transplanted it into a beer cup, and just yesterday into a tub.

We will see how it goes, as it is root-crazy, but might expand successfully.

I transplanted them into 10 gal pots, and they had same issue with several in close quarters.
I had to water em 2-3x daily in the summer to keep em alive.
I finally let em die as we were letting the toms go bad on the counter.
I have one left out there that popped up over a month ago, and have never watered it or anything and it is as green as can be and toms are out now lol.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
A flowering clone? Yes. I have not gotten one to re-veg yet,
I use a TurboKloner and Dyna Gro KLN but it doesn't get any better rooting rate than my home made spray cloner. I am currently in week 6 of flower with my C99 and week 5 for my DNA Pure Afghan and CBD Crew Outdoor mix. I took clones on 11/26 and 11/27 they are showing roots today and yes still flowering. After I transplant them I wait until they are over transplant shock and then I cut the flower tops off. That usually re-vegs them more quickly in my experience. I usually wait until I have about 1" of root showing before transplanting them.



Well-Known Member

Thank you for taking the time.

I have seen the ability of those spraying cloners. They rock.
I have thought about building one.

In the meanwhile, I am again using my Burpee Seed Tray (BST) for my clones.

For a while there I had it down in my house garden area,
as I was popping about 100 herbs and vegetables from seed
earlier this year.

I lost my OG #18, OG Kush, and Headband flowering clones,
but I had them in a peat+perlite+etc light soil mix. In these mixes
I am a terror with the water. It is soooo hard *not* to overwater
a clone in soil.

I have clones of all the Cannaventure Mothers Mix plants, Blue Dream,
and Lemon Thai Kush in the BST right now:

It uses a wicking mat to bring water up to the peat.

It does a great job and none of this lot have even wilted.

...but I do look forward to working with RDWC and more
advanced cloners too. I will get there.

I have read of KLN coming up quite often recently. A rooting hormone
I think, but I will certainly look it up.

Thank you for stopping by!


P.S. You can see that I am also using the BST to pop beans.
The new Blue Pit, Deep Psychosis, and Deep Blue X Engineer's Dream
are already up. I have grapes and an new herb in a few other slots.