George W. Bush: The Food Stamp President

...At no time did Republican's have a majority in Congress...

nonsense. republicans controlled the house and senate from 2000-2006 with a majority.

edit: why is there an apostrophe in "republicans"?

Obama...should be pointing at himself and other Democrats in Congress...

Republicans, who controlled the Senate at the time, did not bring the bill forward for a vote...
The bill made it out of committee in the Senate but was never brought up for consideration. At that time, Republicans had a majority in the Senate and controlled the agenda. Democrats never got the chance to vote against it or to mount a filibuster to block it.

your logic is dizzying. somehow, in your mind, the democrats are responsible for not voting on a bill that was never brought forward by the party in charge of the house and senate to even be voted on.


meanwhile, bush bragged about the ownership society in the SOTU. i watched him do it with my own two eyes. i'm sure i can dig up a clip or two.

talk is cheap and actions speak louder than words. if it was criticized by congressional republicans, it was praised where the buck stopped. if congressional republicans criticized it, why did they not bring it to a vote even?

somehow, you think obama should blame himself for not voting on a bill he was not physically capable of voting on.

seems legit.
i did a writeup elsewhere about the official debt by president. Here are the results

According to official numbers, non inflation adjusted, its
Reagan 909 - 2601 (in billions) 186% -> 93% per 4 year
Bush - 4000 53%
Clinton - 5628 40% -> 20% per 4 year
GW- 9986 77% -> 38.5% per 4 year
Obama 2012 projected 16650 based on this 66%

so, ranking based off this data that i countered
1) Reagan 93%
2) Obama 66%
3) Bush senior 53%
4) GW 38.5%
5) Clinton 20%

To be fair, I will add the inflatin adjusted values too
Reagan 1,808- 3,534 (in billions) 95% -> 4 year 47.5%
Bush - 4,703 33%
Clinton - 5,628 19% -> 4 year 9.5%
GW - 7,793 38% -> 4 year 19%
Obama 2012 projected 12200 56%

With inflation adjusted numbers, the ranking becomes
1) Obama 56%
2) Reagan 47.5%
3) Bush1 33%
4) GW 19%
5) Clinton 9.5%

going off some other fake data
“more people have been put on food stamps by Barack Obama than any president in American history.” -claims gingrich.

january 2001: 17,233,964 on food stamps.

january 2009: 32,204,859 on food stamps.

bush "put" 14,970,895 on food stamps.

october 2011: 46,224,722 on food stamps.

obama has "put" 14,019,863 on food stamps.

14,970,895 > 14,019,863

10/2011 is the latest report available. based on available raw data, newt's claim that obama has put more people on food stamps than any other president is false on its face.

second, neither president "put" anyone on food stamps. economic factors put people on food stamps. people go on food stamps during tough times. nearly 5 million people went on food stamps the year before obama was sworn in, which mirrored the fact that we were leaking nearly 800k jobs a month at the same time.

third, food stamp recipients are not often welfare bums. many food stamp recipients work hard for a living in shitty jobs to support larger families. more common with wage stagnation brought about by certain policies.

fourth, hunger is a national security issue AND a moral issue. what kind of country lets their weakest starve?

fifth, please ignore the obvious racial undertones in which newt is speaking. politicos call this practice "pandering". it is the same strategy that republicans have used for a while, catering to the bigoted tensions of the more conservative south. it has worked tremendously in the past and is still a good strategy to this day, if you have no moral compass.


It is good that you don't want people to be hungry. You may be correct that Newt is pandering, we seem to agree he is loathsome. The "solutions" for poverty will not come thru government though....or from involuntary redistribution.
It is good that you don't want people to be hungry. You may be correct that Newt is pandering, we seem to agree he is loathsome. The "solutions" for poverty will not come thru government though....or from involuntary redistribution.

let's semi-agree here: the solution will not come ENTIRELY from government, nor will it come ENTIRELY from non-government entities as well.

you know that second part is true because it is historical fact.
It is good that you don't want people to be hungry. You may be correct that Newt is pandering, we seem to agree he is loathsome. The "solutions" for poverty will not come thru government though....or from involuntary redistribution.

If by solutions you mean perpetuating the welfare state that it is for SOME families, I agree. I have kinown families in my own community where it is a generational thing. However, I believe we need to help people through these though times with food stamps, unemployment and heating assistance. When/if we get recovery moving the need will be reduced. Still need to do something about the way-of-lifers. I am afraid that is more widespread than any of us would like.
“more people have been put on food stamps by Barack Obama than any president in American history.” -claims gingrich.

january 2001: 17,233,964 on food stamps.

january 2009: 32,204,859 on food stamps.

bush "put" 14,970,895 on food stamps.

october 2011: 46,224,722 on food stamps.

obama has "put" 14,019,863 on food stamps.

14,970,895 > 14,019,863

10/2011 is the latest report available. based on available raw data, newt's claim that obama has put more people on food stamps than any other president is false on its face.

second, neither president "put" anyone on food stamps. economic factors put people on food stamps. people go on food stamps during tough times. nearly 5 million people went on food stamps the year before obama was sworn in, which mirrored the fact that we were leaking nearly 800k jobs a month at the same time.

third, food stamp recipients are not often welfare bums. many food stamp recipients work hard for a living in shitty jobs to support larger families. more common with wage stagnation brought about by certain policies.

fourth, hunger is a national security issue AND a moral issue. what kind of country lets their weakest starve?

fifth, please ignore the obvious racial undertones in which newt is speaking. politicos call this practice "pandering". it is the same strategy that republicans have used for a while, catering to the bigoted tensions of the more conservative south. it has worked tremendously in the past and is still a good strategy to this day, if you have no moral compass.


Our economy is the result of government interfering with the free market in the housing industry and bailing out their friends. Both the republicans and democrats are to blame. They both believe in big government and continual war. There is little difference in the two parties overall.

I agree with using moral compass but only as far as society. Government is not moral. How is it moral to steal my money for others causes no matter how well intentioned those causes are? For every cause where money is stolen from me, I can name a cause of mine I'd like to donate to with either time or money.
people talk about family values and keeping family together yet it is government that takes families apart. Why take care of family when government does it for you and less efficiently overall? "I gave at the office" is what we hear.
How is government helping the inner city minorities families by locking them up in absurd ratios compared to others on drug cases? Especially considering there is no victim.

Government doesn't set us up in the right climate to succeed. They sure do set their buddies up though. All off of our tax money.
i did a writeup elsewhere about the official debt by president. Here are the results

To be fair, I will add the inflatin adjusted values too
Reagan 1,808- 3,534 (in billions) 95% -> 4 year 47.5%
Bush - 4,703 33%
Clinton - 5,628 19% -> 4 year 9.5%
GW - 7,793 38% -> 4 year 19%
Obama 2012 projected 12200 56%

going off some other fake data
You use inflation which many refer to. It may have relevance on your comparison post, but inflation doesn't included the price of fuel or food. It doesn't mean much to me.

Look to the federal reserve for increasing the money supply which in turn devalues the dollar. The sooner you receive that money the less the devaluation hits you. Meaning banks are hit the least hardest and the people are hit the worst.
“more people have been put on food stamps by Barack Obama than any president in American history.” -claims gingrich.

january 2001: 17,233,964 on food stamps.

january 2009: 32,204,859 on food stamps.

bush "put" 14,970,895 on food stamps.

october 2011: 46,224,722 on food stamps.

obama has "put" 14,019,863 on food stamps.

14,970,895 > 14,019,863

10/2011 is the latest report available. based on available raw data, newt's claim that obama has put more people on food stamps than any other president is false on its face.

second, neither president "put" anyone on food stamps. economic factors put people on food stamps. people go on food stamps during tough times. nearly 5 million people went on food stamps the year before obama was sworn in, which mirrored the fact that we were leaking nearly 800k jobs a month at the same time.

third, food stamp recipients are not often welfare bums. many food stamp recipients work hard for a living in shitty jobs to support larger families. more common with wage stagnation brought about by certain policies.

fourth, hunger is a national security issue AND a moral issue. what kind of country lets their weakest starve?

fifth, please ignore the obvious racial undertones in which newt is speaking. politicos call this practice "pandering". it is the same strategy that republicans have used for a while, catering to the bigoted tensions of the more conservative south. it has worked tremendously in the past and is still a good strategy to this day, if you have no moral compass.


so much failure... Since January 2009 the number of people on food stamps is up 47% - just about double.
“more people have been put on food stamps by Barack Obama than any president in American history.”
january 2001: 17,233,964 on food stamps.

january 2009: 32,204,859 on food stamps.

bush "put" 14,970,895 on food stamps.

october 2011: 46,224,722 on food stamps.

obama has "put" 14,019,863 on food stamps.

14,970,895 > 14,019,863

Since your report, 47,666,124 are now on food stamps.

which means Obama has "put" 15.5 Million people into the poorhouse. Beating Booooosh by a significant margin, but wait, 3 more years to go!!!! By that time we should be at
51 million on food stamps
Democrats hate not having all the records.
Since your report, 47,666,124 are now on food stamps.

which means Obama has "put" 15.5 Million people into the poorhouse. Beating Booooosh by a significant margin, but wait, 3 more years to go!!!! By that time we should be at
51 million on food stamps
Democrats hate not having all the records.

that's fine, that doesn't alter the date in time at which newt gingrich made his claim.

it does, however, demonstrate that demand for food stamps is gorwing at a much, much slower pace now.

GOOD GOD your math skills are absolute TRASH bucky absolute RUBBISH!!

Can you even add 1 and 1 together correctly?

FUCKING MORON!! The percent increase in people going on food stamps rose by 54% during Bush's EIGHT YEARS. but increased by 70% during Obama's 5 Years.

God damn you are fucking a total MATH LOSER.

When did growth of 70% become MUCH MUCH SLOWER than growth at 54%??

You SUCK!!

You should NEVER EVER in your life ever try to do math or discuss anything that might include a mathematical equation or even simple addition as it is WAY WAY beyond your ability and you come off looking like a FUCKING IDIOT every time you try.

Leave that real hard math to the first grade kids bucky and stop making such a gigantic fool of yourself.

I swear you do it on purpose.

did you spend some of your agricultural subsidies on cocaine or crack?

in the first 4 years, i noted that: obama has "put" 14,019,863 on food stamps.

you noted that in the last year, obama has put about 1.5 million more on food stamps, for a total of 15.5 million so far.
14 million divided by 4 years comes out to 3.5 million a year, on average, over the first four years.

but in this last year, only 1.5 million added.

that's a slower growth rate, dummy.
did you spend some of your agricultural subsidies on cocaine or crack?

in the first 4 years, i noted that: obama has "put" 14,019,863 on food stamps.

you noted that in the last year, obama has put about 1.5 million more on food stamps, for a total of 15.5 million so far.
14 million divided by 4 years comes out to 3.5 million a year, on average, over the first four years.

but in this last year, only 1.5 million added.

that's a slower growth rate, dummy.

Dummy doesn't realize that they are comparing 8 years of BOOOSH to 5 years of OBama,

He still has 3 years to be the biggest Welfare president of ALL TIME, bar none.

3 more to go, how much fail will happen in the next 3 years?

BTW deleted my post, felt sorry for you.
Vast majority of people who are eligible for SNAP are receiving SNAP. Recruiters are everywhere in the community.

good. i don't want to see a single child go to bed hungry in the richest nation on earth.

most people on food stamps work, by the way.
Dummy doesn't realize that they are comparing 8 years of BOOOSH to 5 years of OBama,

He still has 3 years to be the biggest Welfare president of ALL TIME, bar none.

3 more to go, how much fail will happen in the next 3 years?

BTW deleted my post, felt sorry for you.

that's OK, i quoted your post so everyone can still see it, dummy.
BTW deleted my post, felt sorry for you.

Pics of YOUR wife? Gotta give a very slight edge to Buck's Walrus though.

Bro. Even echelon1k1's jokes are better than yours. You need to work on your delivery.

A little tid-bit you should know... I'm not married. So the "YOUR wife" joke doesn't apply.

Oh well. Better luck next time.