George W. Bush: The Food Stamp President

so under Bush the Economy was able to add 800,000 jobs, but under Obama it had to Shed 600,000.

You were trying to make BOOSH look bad right?

You don't have to try to make Bush look bad, everyone already knows that he was a dumb fuck, but in this example I think you actually make Obama look worse.

note these are all public sector jobs, AKA government jobs.

unless you like big government, it makes bush look worse.
note these are all public sector jobs, AKA government jobs.

unless you like big government, it makes bush look worse.

Yeah I got that they were all government jobs, did you not understand that government jobs are also still jobs?
Were still up 200,000. look on the bright side, government is still bigger than when Bush started.
wow this is an old thread didn't even know there was political stuff on here.
but, it's funny....well not for me, in 2007 wells Fargo gVe me a 300k loan at 7.2% interest only for 10 years.....and I was making 32k per year, AND THEY APPROVED MY LOAN!!!!! Needless to say I couldn't afford it, 2009 filed chapter 7 bankruptcy protection.
I was 23. Why give ME,that loan, zero down, omg such irresponsible lending. And yes I absolutely take full responsibility, I signed the papers. But I'll tell ya, when someone is dangling a 300k dollar house Infront of you 1 year after graduating college, about to get married, start my career and a family. That's very hard to pass up and actually think rationally.

That sucked.
wow this is an old thread didn't even know there was political stuff on here.
but, it's funny....well not for me, in 2007 wells Fargo gVe me a 300k loan at 7.2% interest only for 10 years.....and I was making 32k per year, AND THEY APPROVED MY LOAN!!!!! Needless to say I couldn't afford it, 2009 filed chapter 7 bankruptcy protection.
I was 23. Why give ME,that loan, zero down, omg such irresponsible lending. And yes I absolutely take full responsibility, I signed the papers. But I'll tell ya, when someone is dangling a 300k dollar house Infront of you 1 year after graduating college, about to get married, start my career and a family. That's very hard to pass up and actually think rationally.

That sucked.
I’ll wager after that, you read all the fine print.


(add) iirc, ‘07 was pretty much the top of the subprime market’s trajectory, immediately followed by an unshielded reentry.

I’ll wager after that, you read all the fine print.

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(add) iirc, ‘07 was pretty much the top of the subprime market’s trajectory, immediately followed by an unshielded reentry.

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Hahaha you actually read my post?! I don't feel sorry for myself, nor would I want anyone else to, I feel sorry for the 40 yeAr old couple married 10 years with 3 kids that got pulled into these predatory loans.
I was 23, I moved back in with my folks for 3 years then I was pretty much back on my feet, bad credit but fortunately my wife wasn't on the paperwork, she had great credit.

I knew the fine print, THEY HAD AN ACE, A SELLING STRATEGY!!! "all you have to do is refinance in the next couple years into a 30 fixed, and you're good, no more interest only with balloon payments after 10 years".
That's great, except the house was 300k (it was valued at 350, I thought I was doing good, hey, 50k equity already!!! BUT, valued at 205k two years later. Who's gonna refinance me for 300k on a house worth 205!!!!!

So many families ruined. Breaks my heart.