Conservatives hate your constitution

that's the problem with the point desert dud was trying to make.

he is trying to imply that the right wing extremist tea partiers are of "good conscience", when they are anything but.

and like jefferson. they would probably own blacks and rape them given the chance.

So, all of you lefties hate the founding fathers and because you hate the founding fathers the US constitution is racist. You agree with the sock puppet, El Tib. You guys are just intellectual giants.
if obama does not issue an executive order on X: "why won't that pussy just do what's right and issue an executive order? no leadership at all from that kenyan muslim half-rican. i'm not racist"

if obama does issue an executive order on X: "that fucking tyrant thinks he can just bypass the law and trample the constitution. no consensus building at all from that kenyan muslim half-rican. i'm not racist."

No executive order is necessary to close GITMO. He can call in the chairman of the joint chiefs and order him to close GITMO this afternoon. He "promised" that closing GITMO would be done in the first year of his presidency, and he had the authority to do it, and he did not do it. You lefties are all whining that he would have had to pay a political price if he had not reneged on the promise: big fucking deal. Face it, Obama looked at his responsibility as CinC and did exactly what Boooossssch did, and it is probably the right choice.

Jihadists captured on the battle field are entitled to military detainment and that is about all. They are probably not covered under the Geneva convention because they are stateless. All in all, they have been treated pretty well, considering that the US owes them nothing. I think some of them should be released because the evidence against (a few) is flimsy or non-existent, i.e. they are innocent, but most of them are held legitimately.
So, all of you lefties hate the founding fathers and because you hate the founding fathers the US constitution is racist. You agree with the sock puppet, El Tib. You guys are just intellectual giants.

i'm just pointing out that tea party douchebags like you are not of "good conscience".

after all, you are the same person who repeatedly joined white supremacy groups, vehemently opposes the section of civil rights that allows blacks to sit at the same lunch counter as you, calls the president an "affirmative action" president, says black people can't speak properly and are incessantly calling each other "niggers", and so on and so forth.

no one who acts "in good conscience" acts anything like you do.
i'm just pointing out that tea party douchebags like you are not of "good conscience".

after all, you are the same person who repeatedly joined white supremacy groups, vehemently opposes the section of civil rights that allows blacks to sit at the same lunch counter as you, calls the president an "affirmative action" president, says black people can't speak properly and are incessantly calling each other "niggers", and so on and so forth.

no one who acts "in good conscience" acts anything like you do.

Did the voices in your head tell you all those things, Marie?
Did the voices in your head tell you all those things, Marie?

no, you did.

you did in fact join a white supremacist group after being invited to join by an openly white supremacist member.

you have in fact spoken at length about how you oppose civil rights, specifically title II, the part that gives black people the right to sit at the same lunch counter as you. you have spoken out against that often.

you did in fact make some remark about how black people can't speak properly, i even made it my sig for a while.

you did in fact say that black people are calling each other niggers "incessantly", you said so just the other day.

you have in fact called the president an "affirmative action" president, based on zero actual evidence whatsoever, and then told me that you were just being a realist.

are you gonna deny that anything i just said about you is the 100%, verifiable truth?
no, you did.

you did in fact join a white supremacist group after being invited to join by an openly white supremacist member.

you have in fact spoken at length about how you oppose civil rights, specifically title II, the part that gives black people the right to sit at the same lunch counter as you. you have spoken out against that often.

you did in fact make some remark about how black people can't speak properly, i even made it my sig for a while.

you did in fact say that black people are calling each other niggers "incessantly", you said so just the other day.

you have in fact called the president an "affirmative action" president, based on zero actual evidence whatsoever, and then told me that you were just being a realist.

are you gonna deny that anything i just said about you is the 100%, verifiable truth?

Context, Marie, context.

You keep saying I am a member of some group. I don't belong to any groups. Refresh my memory. Show me some proof that I have ever belonged to a group, maybe a post I made or something.

Obama is without a doubt an affirmative action admittance to college. He won the presidency fair and square though.
and so on and so forth

Context, Marie, context.

You keep saying I am a member of some group. I don't belong to any groups. Refresh my memory. Show me some proof that I have ever belonged to a group, maybe a post I made or something.

Obama is without a doubt an affirmative action admittance to college. He won the presidency fair and square though.

are you now gonna try and deny that you were a member of a white supremacy group?

either deny it unequivocally or admit your involvement.

did you or did you not join a white supremacy group which was started by an admitted white supremacist who came over here from stormfront?
No executive order is necessary to close GITMO. He can call in the chairman of the joint chiefs and order him to close GITMO this afternoon. He "promised" that closing GITMO would be done in the first year of his presidency, and he had the authority to do it, and he did not do it. You lefties are all whining that he would have had to pay a political price if he had not reneged on the promise: big fucking deal. Face it, Obama looked at his responsibility as CinC and did exactly what Boooossssch did, and it is probably the right choice.

Jihadists captured on the battle field are entitled to military detainment and that is about all. They are probably not covered under the Geneva convention because they are stateless. All in all, they have been treated pretty well, considering that the US owes them nothing. I think some of them should be released because the evidence against (a few) is flimsy or non-existent, i.e. they are innocent, but most of them are held legitimately.

No he cannot

As previously posted 2x the house got a appropriations bill with language in it that specifically denies the transfer of detainees to the USA mainland
are you now gonna try and deny that you were a member of a white supremacy group?

either deny it unequivocally or admit your involvement.

did you or did you not join a white supremacy group which was started by an admitted white supremacist who came over here from stormfront?

I don't know of any "admitted white supremacists" on RIU. There might be some, but I am not interested enough to investigate. I don't know of anybody who originated on stormfront. Until you and Cheesy framed Red1966, I had never heard of stormfront. Was it you that created the bogus account on stormfront for Red, or was that Cheesy? Don't you ever get tired of being the buffoon in the room who screams RACIST all the time? Aren't you embarrassed that you never have an intelligent rebuttal in a debate and always have to revert to calling names?
No he cannot

As previously posted 2x the house got a appropriations bill with language in it that specifically denies the transfer of detainees to the USA mainland

Transferring detainees is a separate matter. Closing GITMO is completely within Obama's power. He did not do it.
You can always go home El Fiberon, I do believe the FARC is still looking for young guns in that garbage dump known as Colombia.
Conservatives are only disregarding the constitution in order to defend the constitution.

Is that satire or are you actually attempting to make this argument?
Is it possible to defend principles by disregarding them....?
(and if that sounded sarcastic, you're reading it the way I wrote it).

Whenever I see Fox Conservatives preaching populist, reactionary right wing rhetoric I always wonder why there seems to be a correlation between right wing opinions and a lack of education.

Anyone who's ever read a book knows that suspending the constitutional rights of the worlds ten most unpopular people is exactly the same as suspending the constitutional rights of everyone.

If the powers that be can pick and choose who deserves the protection of the law and the constitution, then there may as well be no laws or constitution.
We may as well return to the times when the most powerful men decided what was and wasn't justice on an individual and arbitrary basis.
It's tyranny.

I hate the conservative right wing, pro gun, anti government, pro life, pro death penalty, suspicious of education, t-party types who bask in the glory of their own ignorance.
The idea that a nation as big and diverse and developed as the USA can manage without 'big' government is little more than the John Wayne, pioneering ruggedly self sufficient fantasy of individuals who have far more opinions than they have books.

"Taxes are the price a society pays for civilisation".
Oliver Wendell Holmes said that, a Republican from a time before the GOP was inundated with evangelical hypocrites and self righteous bigots.
Abe Lincoln, Dwight Eisenhower and many more must be turning in their graves.
Sarah Palin, Fox News and the 2% of the American population that have inspired international hatred with their bombastic and ignorant rhetoric - the idea of these people being 'Republicans' is disgraceful.

America was the shining beacon of freedom - an example that set the standards and goals that other countries attempted to copy.
Then came George W Bush and his not very bright reasoning, his arrogance and his disregard for the human rights of many of the worlds citizens.
He was a stupid man who pretended to be a fervent Christian and supported the use of torture.
Is it any wonder that the international reputation of the USA took a dip from 2000 to 2008?
In September 2001 America had the support and sympathy of 99% of the world.
Only a particularly dull witted President could've squandered such unprecedented levels of good will in such a spectacular fashion.

And only voting in a non-White President could change the opinion of many non-Americans that the USA was a bigoted society.
The electing of Obama did more to rehabilitate America's reputation than most thought possible.
The fact he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in his inaugural year was the worlds way of showing relief and gratitude that America had done a U turn away from the pseudo isolationist, sabre rattling and party of big business towards the policies of worldwide cooperation.

Stick to polishing your guns and telling AIDS jokes.
When you actually try to argue political points you embarrass yourselves.
I understand the founders were inherently racist, but the documents? It says All Men Are Created Equal, they may have meant all men like me who own property, but the words don't say that.

I don't want to be a stupid fucking dick though, so can you kindly explain how the constitution is racist?

Do i really need to?
DO you understand fractions at all?
So, you started a petition to ban the free exercise of speech and association. Aren't you just a little fascist, Marie, and proud of yourself too!

Me no like your thinking... Wahhhh!

now you're remembering it!

you joined a group called (something like) "the free speech and debate group".

oddly enough, it was not a group that anyone could join freely, as would be consistent with free speech. it was an invitation only group administered by an admitted white supremacist, and invitations were only given out to "like minded' people.

funny that he thought to invite you.

even funnier that you accepted, long after i brought it to everyone's attention that the administrator, shotgun420, was a white supremacist.

RIU is governed not by the constitution, but by the TOU.

just thought i'd clear all that up.