Well-Known Member
I have tuberculosis and It is my right not to get treated and spread my disease
I have tuberculosis and It is my right not to get treated and spread my disease
To change government requires only one thing. The determination to not pay them taxes. You do that and you have them by the balls.
I disagree. The bailiwick, ambit, purview of the police is 1) to solve crimes and 2) to apprehend criminal suspects.
The expansion of police into a security force is a fairly recent phenomenon and one toward which I cast a distinctly jaundiced eye.
We the people should express our disgust and dissent with the police styling themselves Your Total Security Solution. They are and remain civilians. My opinion.
I have tuberculosis and It is my right not to get treated and spread my disease
I'm totally sick of the goverment telling my uncle he cannot dam the river that runs thru his property
I'm totally sick of the goverment telling my uncle he cannot dam the river that runs thru his property
It's his land. Why cant they just leave him aloneWhat is their reasoning? Do they have one....maybe agricultural needs? Environmental impact?
Any examples of successful Libertarian societys in history?
AntarticaDefine successful. If you mean peaceful, please provide an example of a peaceful society where others make your choices for you.
Now you
Who have they attackedAntarctica.
Are you one of those people that wants to make others choices for them or one of those happy to let others make their choices for them? How is either of those options peaceful?
Who have they attacked
Now that you have avoided the question
I will ask it again. Since I feel you owe me.
name one sucessful libertarian society that ever existed in history
Anytime you tell another person what they MUST do under threat of force if that person is minding his own business, you or the entity you are part of has "initiated aggression" or attacked a peaceful person. All coercive governments use a variation of this same universal theme.
Perhaps some people are ALREADY living in a successful liberatarian society but hide it for fear of being attacked by your champions. As far as whether a thing has happened or not, that doesn't prove it can't happen or when / if it does it will not be an improvement over the status quo.
If coercive government has such good ideas why must people be forced to do them? Sounds a bit slavish to me.
So, are you the kind of person that likes to make others choices for them? What does that say about you?
So you have
no answers
No response
and you avoid the question.
Leaves me with the opinion you are a worthless slacker looking for any rationalization to make your worthless life seem admirable.
You dont like the social contract here nothing is stopping you from leaving
Now go forth and be happy
Someplace else
It's his land. Why cant they just leave him alone