White people are so stupid

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I love white women..Miley Cyrus is my favorite white girl right now. <3
And white guys... I love doing business with them!

But that video is blowing my damn high...I'm trying to figure out how she got up there..like what in the actual fuck??:idea:
since you're the only white person in stockton, california, and there is a white pedophile in stockton, california, i think it means that you are a pedophile.

I'm not the only white person in Stockton. I'm the only white person in SOUTH Stockton. You're without a doubt thinking of somebody else.
You posted a 175 lb. guy from north Stockton. And it just goes to show how big of an idiot you are to think 95203 is south Stockton. You FAIL again.

What the hell is your problem, and why are you so desperate to slander me?

I bet UB says slander is not possible...watch.
buck will stop at nothing (not even his imagination) to try and attack somebody with lies and misinformation. This is telling.
well done UB calling white men pedophiles is going to lose you a lot of respected :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

the overwhelming majority of pedophiles are white males though. it's just a simple fact.

do facts make you "lose a lot of respected" often?


the overwhelming majority of pedophiles are white males though. it's just a simple fact.

do facts make you "lose a lot of respected" often?



So you're saying your a pedophile? I don't understand your fascination with sex offenders, or even how it got brought up at all. You're retarded.
Since when is 95203 South Stockton? And since when am I a kiddie diddler? This is low buck, even for you.
Save whatever face you can, and just maybe you might salvage what little credibility you have left.

south stockton looks to be zip code 95536 or maybe 95231, which is a bit more north of 95536..
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